Definition of Movie Ratings: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 - Showbiz …
How does a movie earn a G, PG, PG-13, R or NC-17 rating? The Motion Picture Association of America has set the following standards for films in order to help parents determine if the content is acceptable for viewing. G — General Audiences. All Ages Admitted.
Motion Picture Association film rating system - Wikipedia
Rated PG: Parental guidance suggested – Some material may not be suitable for children. Rated PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Rated R: Restricted – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Rated X: No one under 17 admitted.
PG在影片中意译是影片分级的一种,影片普通分为5个分级,分别是:G级、PG级、 PG-13 级、R级、 NC-17 级,特殊分级为:NR OR U、M,X OR P。 G级:(GENERAL AUDIENCES All ages admitted.)大众级,适合所有年龄段的人观看——该级别的电影内容可以被父母接受,影片没有裸体、性爱场面,吸毒和暴力场面非常少。 对话也是日常生活中可以经常接触到的。
一文读懂美国电影分级制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
pg、pg13、r、nc-17级差别主要是性爱、裸露、暴力、吸毒等场面的多寡,按次序依次递增 电影分级制诞生于 1968年 ,最早分为 G(相当于现在的G)、M(相当于现在的PG和PG13)、R(现在的R)、X(现在的NC-17)级
2014年10月15日 · 美国电影分级:pg级. pg级既是普通级别的电影,电影中基本不存在裸露、性场面,在暴力和吸食不健康的东西方面也不会超过尺度,如果孩子观看的话,需要家长陪同最佳。 pg级电影例子:《少年派的奇幻漂流》、《剪刀手爱德华》。 美国电影分级:pg-13级
PG (MPA) | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
A PG rated film, in the United States, means persons of all ages are admitted, but parental guidance is suggested for children. Parents should decide if the children should see the movie or recommend parental guidance.
Motion picture content rating system - Wikipedia
PG (Parental Guidance) – General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A PG-rated film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. 12A / 12 (Suitable for 12 years and over) – Films classified 12A and video works classified 12 contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No ...
Film Ratings - Motion Picture Association
Established by Motion Picture Association in 1968, the rating system was created to help parents make informed viewing choices for their children. Learn the facts, history, and evolution behind more than 50 years of ratings. Looking for more information on how the …
Movie Ratings Explained — Origins & How They’ve Changed
2022年8月7日 · Rated PG. Preceded by the M and GP ratings, the PG rating has remained in use ever since it was first introduced in 1972. The PG rating is given to films where “Parental Guidance” is suggested. PG films are typically considered safe for kids to watch but may contain suggestive content.
Motion Picture Association film rating system
From 1970 to 1972, the movie ratings consisted of four new ratings: Rated G - General Audiences. All ages admitted. Rated GP - Guidance Parental. May contain some suggestive content. Rated R - Restricted. Persons under 17 are not admitted unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian. Rated X - Persons under 17 not admitted.