TV Parental Guidelines - Wikipedia
Under this revised system, television programming would continue to fall into one of the six ratings categories (TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 or TV-MA), but content descriptors would be added to the ratings where appropriate, based on the type (s) of objectionable content included in the individual program or episode: D (suggestive dialogue),...
美国电视节目分级制度 - 百度百科
TV-Y是指适合包括2-6岁幼童在内的所有儿童观看的节目。 如《芝麻街》等儿童节目就属于这一级。 TV-Y7是指可能含有年龄7岁以下 儿童不宜 观看内容的电视节目。 TV-Y7-FV是TV-Y7的替代版本。 当电视节目中含有相较于TV-Y7级别来说更多的虚构暴力画面时,会被评为TV-Y7-FV。 如多数针对美国儿童观众的译制日本动画就属于这一级。 TV-G是指普遍级的电视节目,适合所有年龄层观看。 这种节目虽然不是儿童节目,但是多数家长可以放心让孩子在没有大人陪伴的情况 …
TV-Y7 | Rating System Wiki | Fandom
The television programming that is rated TV-Y7 in the United States by the TV Parental Guidelines signifies content is suitable for children 7 and older. Many of these programs contain some elements that are not suitable for the TV-Y rating such as …
Yes. Children’s programming is rated according to two categories: TV-Y and TV-Y7. A TV-Y rating means that programming is appropriate for children of all ages. TV-Y7 indicates that programming is designed for chil-dren ages 7 and older. An additional rating, TV-Y7-FV, is used to indicate that a program contains “fantasy
Understand the TV Rating System: TV-PG, TV-14, & More - wikiHow
2024年10月26日 · Examples: Bluey, The Teletubbies, Paw Patrol, Sesame Street, and Peppa Pig. Directed to Older Children Programs rated TV-Y7 are designed for children ages 7 and older. The FCC says that it “may be more appropriate for children who have acquired the developmental skills needed to distinguish between make-believe and reality.”
Frequently Asked Questions | The TV Parental Guidelines
Children’s programming is rated according to two categories: TV-Y and TV-Y7. A TV-Y rating means that programming is appropriate for children of all ages. TV-Y7 indicates that programming is designed for children ages 7 and older.
Programs where fantasy violence may be more intense or more combative than other programs in this category will be designated TV-Y7-FV. Most parents would find this program suitable for all ages. Although this rating does not signify a program designed specifically for children, most parents may let younger children watch this program unattended.
Decoding TV Rating Y7: What It Means for Young Audiences
The Y7 TV rating indicates that a program is suitable for children aged 7 years and older. This means that the content has been evaluated and deemed appropriate for this age group, keeping in mind their developmental needs and sensitivities. The Y7 rating is often used for animated shows, educational programs, and live-action series aimed at ...
TV ratings system guide - Brightspeed
TV-Y7: Directed to Older Children – For programs with the TV-Y7 rating, you will find mild fantasy or comedic violence that’s usually suitable for children ages 7 and above. Some themes or components of the show may frighten children younger than age 7.
How Ratings Work | Parents Television Council
What you need to know: A TV-Y7-FV rating indicates a program that may contain some of all of the following characteristics: violence as a prevalent feature of the program; fighting presented in an exciting-even thrilling-way; villains and superheros valued for their combat abilities; violent acts glorified; and violence depicted as an ...