Rath - Fire Emblem Wiki
Rath is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and father of Sue, a character in the sequel Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. He speaks only when the situation calls for it and is the son of the Silver Wolf, who is the chieftain of the Kutolah, a Sacaean tribe.
Rath (Character) - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (FE7) - Triangle …
Rath is a serious and introverted archer who was banished from the Kutolah tribe due to a prophecy. Rath wandered the Sacaean plains for 15 years, and became emotionless after enduring starvation and ridicule. He began working as …
Rath/Supports - Fire Emblem Wiki
With Lyn [] C Support []. Lyn: Rath! Rath: Ah...Lyn. Lyn: Thank you, Rath. You've saved me again. Rath: I need no thanks from a fellow plainsdweller. Lyn: Actually... There's something that I've always wanted to ask you. Rath: What's that? Lyn: Are all Kutolah men so...so quiet? My father and the other Lorca men didn't talk much, but they were gossiping magpies compared to you.
What did y'all think of Rath from FE7? : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2014年8月3日 · Rath is great in Lyn's story, because his high starting level lets him dominate. But he's the last of Lyndis' Legion to come back to the party (excluding Wallace, who may not come back at all), and is usually drastically underleveled when he does return.
Tier this Blazing Sword unit, Day 10: Rath - GameFAQs
Rath is unusual in that he’s one of the only units that’s actually better if you skip LM. If you play LM he only has C rank Bows and won’t have enough time in LM to increase it. If you skip LM,...
Character Discussion [FE 6&7]: Rath and Sue : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2015年3月13日 · Her father Rath is the only mounted archer in FE7. He joins in chapter 6 when assassins are attacking Araphen. He stays with Lyn after watching the racism of the Marquess.
FE7 Redux Tier List Round 5: Rath and Nils/Ninian : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2021年3月27日 · Rath is honestly in an odd position as a unit in FE7. As a bowlock that gets swords on promo, he has a weak selection of weapon types - he joins in the middle of the game so he isn't packing the best availability, and Lyn Mode doesn't really give much to him, if anything weakening him (that B bows -> C hurts, even if he wouldn't be far off it).
Rath | Nintendo | Fandom
Rath is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and father of Sue, a character in the sequel Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. He speaks only when the situation calls for it and is the son of the Silver Wolf , who is the chieftain of the Kutolah , a Sacaean tribe.
Rath - Fire Emblem Wiki
Rath (Japanese: ラス Ruth) is a Sacaen nomad who appears in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Though he is originally from the Kutolah tribe, he works as a mercenary. In Lyn's tale, Rath first appears when Lyn visits Castle Araphen. Lyn is attacked by assassins who set fire to the castle, but Rath, then the captain of Araphen's castle guard, saves her.
Playing FE7 who should I use and who is best?
2016年9月18日 · If you want a bow user anyway, Rath is the strongest choice. The fighters don't really shine, either. Dorcas has alright bases but an atrocious 20% speed growth while Barte can be alright longterm, but sucks at the beginning unless …