Ratman (ラットマン, Rattoman) is a Japanese shōnen manga written and illustrated by Sekihiko Inui. The series follows the story of Shuto Katsuragi, a wannabe hero, who tries to save his …
Shuto Katsuragi is a superhero otaku. Only problem is, he's too short and always getting teased for his height...especially when he tries to emulate his favorite superhero! To make matters …
Chapters of the Ratman manga series. Shuto Katsaragi is the ultimate superhero otaku and would like nothing better than to become a hero like his idol Shiningman. However, being constantly …
Ratman - The smallest hero!? Meet Shooto. He's a bit vertically-challenged. He also wants to be a hero. But guess what? Midgets can't be heroes! Ha! So he becomes a villain instead. Sort of. …
Welcome to the Ratman Wiki, a wiki dedicated to everything about the manga series Ratman, that anyone can edit. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles! We currently have …
2007年6月26日 · Looking for information on the manga Ratman? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. …
RATMAN / Ratman - The smallest hero!? Shuuto Katsuragi is a shrimp that can't catch a break. He wants to emulate his favorite super hero, Mr. Thunder, but instead he gets teased all the …
Shuto Katsuragi is a superhero otaku. Only problem is, he's too short and always getting teased for his height... especially when he tries to emulate his favorite superhero! To make matters …
2021年12月26日 · Shuuto Katsuragi is a shrimp that can't catch a break. He wants to emulate his favorite super hero, Mr. Thunder, but instead he gets teased all the time for his height and he …
Shuto Katsuragi is a superhero otaku. Only problem is, he's too short and always getting teased for his height...especially when he tries to emulate his favorite superhero! To make matters …