Rapid Application Tourniquet System (RATS) TQ - EMTLIFE
2015年1月27日 · The CAT TQ causes an extreme amount of pain but it is effective, it left a welt on my thigh for 3 days after the application. I've seen the RATS TQ and was skeptical due to the limited surface area vs the CAT. The RATS boasts an easy application but IMHO the CAT is idiot proof and I prefer the CAT.
Rapid Application Tourniquet System (RATS) TQ - EMTLIFE
2017年11月3日 · I will continue to carry the CAT on my person. If some one has yo do Buddy aid on me I want them to be familiar with the device.
ACE wrap tourniquet? - EMTLIFE
2015年1月29日 · Where just the windlass on a CAT is longer than the chest dart package I don't think he liked the bulk for EDC. For those that conceal carry a gun every day it's a good idea to carry a medical kit as well. I might experiment with the ankle carry and see how it works for me with a CAT. Right now it's just the TK4 and soon the RATS if I like it.
Anyone heard of using a BP cuff as a tourniquet? | Page 2 | EMTLIFE
2013年7月10日 · Remember that a subpressured TQ of any sort may actually promote bleeding from incompletely severed vascular regions due to closing the veins but not the arteries (hence the penrose drain used in lab phlebotomy).
Old school Military 1st Aid training | EMTLIFE
2023年2月18日 · Nicky K.D Chaleunphone, FF/EMT, FSO VE, DV United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, 1st SR, Flotilla 14-25-06
First Aid for Brownies/Girl Scouts | EMTLIFE
2015年4月12日 · When I helped teach a class we went over the basics of hemorrhage control (including TQ application), splinting, C-spine immobilization, heat/cold emergencies, choking/hands only CPR and different carries to help get their buddy out of the woods.
Remove Bystander-Applied Tourniquet? | EMTLIFE
2016年9月15日 · Unless it has been on there for an extended period of time, I'd just remove it. I've brought in a patient with a tourniquet that I had placed an hour earlier and the doctor just popped it off to get a look at the bleeding without a second thought (she immediately regretted it due to all the arterial bleeding, not the acidosis).
Should Tactical Medics be armed? | Page 3 - EMTLIFE
2017年7月27日 · Someone gets shot/stabbed/falls 0ff the 2nd floor balcony/swallows all their drugs at once to get rid of the evidence/has a heart attack from the sudden action/etc....SWAT can secure the scene, apply TQ/direct pressure and either haul the patient to the medics, call the medics into the secured scene as needed.
Who carries a med kit in their vehicle off-duty? - EMTLIFE
2020年12月27日 · I keep a basic IFAK (tq, chest seal, etc) but anything that looks like a useful bag will just get you a smashed window around here, unfortunately. My jump bag that I've had for years was recently stolen. That's a huge reason. Plus, I cannot really keep supplies that I'd use at the Paramedic level stored safely or temperature controlled.
Why can't Paramedics act off duty? | Page 2 | EMTLIFE
2015年7月11日 · As long as you're authorized to have an ALS take-home kit, you ride in if you can't downgrade the patient to BLS, you sign their report as the tech, and you notify EMSA that you witnessed something off-duty, you're authorized to have a take-home kit (EMSA already knows who is), and that you rode in with the patient while off-duty.