Silicon Weather Stripping - RP520 - Raven
Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. 24m coil, 100m coil. Push-in Friction Fit. Push-in locking fit into a 3.5mm x 5mm deep kerf groove. 5mm to 8mm.
Door Frame / Perimeter Seals - RP520 - Raven
A compression seal, made from silicon. Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. 24m coil, 100m coil. Push-in Friction Fit.
Raven RP520 Silicon Weather Strip - Polyware Pte Ltd
Location: Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. Compression: 1mm to 3mm. Finish: White, brown or black. Fixing: Push-in locking fit into a 3.5mm x 5mm deep kerf groove. Sizes: 100m, 24m. Acoustic AUS/NZ: NCC Spec. F5.5. UK/EU: Approved Document E. Rated to BS EN ISO 717.1.
Raven RP520 Silicon Weather Strip (B520) - Access Hardware
Raven RP520 Silicon Weather Strip - 24m or 100m rolls. Resistant to UV light, water, and ozone. Fits Aluminium, PVC, and timber doors. Available in black, brown, or white.
Raven RP520 - Style Finish Design Pty Ltd
Location: Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. Compression: 1mm to 3mm. Finish: White, brown or black. Fixing: Push-in locking fit into a 3.5mm x 5mm deep kerf groove. Sizes: 100m, 24m. Approximately 1 week.
RP520 Silicon Weather Stripping - DoorSeal.com.au
A compression seal, made from silicon. Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Fixing: Push-in locking fit into a 3.5mm x 5mm deep kerf groove.
RP520 Silicon W/Strip | White | 24m | The Lock and Handle
Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Location: Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. Compression: 1mm to 3mm. Finish: White. Fixing: Push-in locking fit into a 3.5mm x 5mm deep kerf groove.
Raven RP520 Silicon Weather Seal | Interior Effects
The RP520 compression seal made from silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). This seal will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Lengths: 3m, 100m Roll. Finish: Brown, Black, White.
Meeting Stile Seals - RP520 - Raven
A compression seal, made from silicon. Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. 24m coil, 100m coil. Push-in Friction Fit.
Raven silicon has a high resistance to permanent set (memory). It will not absorb water and is resistant to ozone and ultra-violet light deterioration. Location: Aluminium, PVC or timber door and window frame grooves where dimensions suit. Compression: 1mm to …