第二节 Rey听觉词语学习测验 | 心书房
Rey听觉词语学习测验(RAVLT),也直接称为AVLT,最早版本发表于1900年,为一个词表学习一次后回忆;1958年由克拉巴莱德(Claparede)的学生Rey发表的修订版需要 5次学习过程;目前的版本还经过 Taylor(1959)和Lezak(1976)的进一步修订 [1] 。最常用的版本是:连续5 ...
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Rey AVLT | SpringerLink
The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a neuropsychological assessment designed to evaluate verbal memory in patients, 16 years of age and older. The RAVLT can be used to evaluate the nature and severity of memory dysfunction and …
Rey听觉言语学习测试 (RAVLT)_上海瑞狮生物科技有限公司——康 …
Rey听觉言语学习测试(RAVLT)(Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, RAVLT),是听觉言语学习测试的权威指南,已将多个版本和形式、心理测量数据、研究、管理和评分说明汇集在一起。
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) - NITRC
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)¶ The RAVLT evaluates verbal learning and memory. The examiner reads aloud a list of 15 words at the rate of one per second.
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test ™ : A Handbook - PAR Inc
This comprehensive handbook contains everything you need to know about the RAVLT, an instrument useful for evaluating verbal learning and memory, including proactive inhibition, retroactive inhibition, retention, encoding versus retrieval, and subjective organization.
Instructions: After engaging the participant’s attention, the examiner should say, “I am going to read a list of words. Listen carefully, for when I stop you are to repeat back as many words as you can remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you repeat them, just try …
The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) evaluates a wide diversity of functions: short-term auditory-verbal memory, rate of learning, learning strategies, retroactive, and proactive interference, presence of confabulation of confusion in memory processes, retention of information, and differences between learning and retrieval.
(RAVLT) Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test - wpspublish.com
A definitive guide to the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, bringing together all versions and forms, psychometric data, research, and administration and scoring instructions in a single volume
Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test scores can be predicted from …
Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a powerful neuropsychological tool for testing episodic memory, which is widely used for the cognitive assessment in dementia and pre-dementia conditions.
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test - an overview - ScienceDirect
The auditory verbal learning test (AVLT; Rey, 1964) is one of the most widely used word learning tests in clinical research and practice. Five presentations of a 15-word list are given, each followed by attempted recall.