assembly - How is "rax" different from "eax"? - Stack Overflow
2017年7月7日 · Registers like eax, ebx, etc are the 32-bit registers which exist both in the original 32-bit x86 ISA, as well as the 64-bit x86-64. If your book refers only to those registers, it is likely that it doesn't cover the 64-bit extension (perhaps it was written before it).
What is the difference between "mov (%rax),%eax" and "mov %rax,%eax…
2016年12月20日 · mov (%rax), %eax # AT&T syntax or, equivalently in Intel syntax: mov eax, DWORD PTR [rax] ; Intel syntax dereferences the memory address stored in rax, reads a 32-bit value from that memory address, and stores it in the eax register.
x86_64 registers rax/eax/ax/al overwriting full register contents
In particular, the notion of the processor registers does not match reality, there is no such thing as a EAX or RAX register. One primary job of the instruction decoder is to convert the legacy x86/x64 instructions into micro-ops, instructions of a RISC-like processor.
Assembly Language Registers - Electronics Reference
With the advent of x64 and 64-bit architecture, register size doubled once again and the EAX register was renamed RAX. However a new naming convention was also adopted, and the RAX register is also known as the R0 register:
rax,eax,ax,ah,al 关系 - CSDN博客
2021年10月8日 · 累加寄存器 (eax / rax) eax是32位累加寄存器,rax是它的64位扩展版本。 常用于算术运算和函数返回值。 基址寄存器 (ebx / rbx) ebx是32位基址寄存器,rbx是它的64位扩展版本。 通常用作基址指针,但在现代编程中用途较少固定。
Assembly Language & Computer Architecture Lecture (CS 301)
Like C++ variables, registers are actually available in several sizes: rax is the 64-bit, "long" size register. It was added in 2003 during the transition to 64-bit processors. eax is the 32-bit, "int" size register. It was added in 1985 during the transition to 32-bit processors with the 80386 CPU.
RAX,eax,ax,ah,al 关系 - 老耗子 - 博客园
2019年8月27日 · EAX 是"累加器" (accumulator), 它是很多加法乘法指令的缺省寄存器。 EBX 是"基地址" (base)寄存器, 在内存寻址时存放基地址。 ECX 是计数器 (counter), 是重复 (REP)前缀指令和LOOP指令的内定计数器。 EDX 则总是被用来放整数除法产生的余数。 ESI/EDI分别叫做"源/目标索引寄存器" (source/destination index),因为在很多字符串操作指令中, DS:ESI指向源串,而ES:EDI指向目标串. EBP是"基址指针" (BASE POINTER), 它最经常被用作高级语言函数调用 …
x64汇编基础知识 - traceback818 - 博客园
2020年1月31日 · 1.对32位寄存器的写操作和运算操作,则会对相应的64位寄存器的高32位清零。 如在x64dbg上实验,mov eax, 1和add eax, 1会使rax的高32位清零; xor eax, eax是对eax的清零运算操作,所以xor rax, rax会被编译器优化为指令更短的xor eax, eax因为二者在x64汇编中的效果是一样的; 但是mov ax,1和mov al, 1不会对rax的高32位进行清零的操作。 2.立即数的使用,优先使用32位扩展,64位的立即数使用较少。 push指令和对内存的写操作只支持4字节的立即数 …
"rax"和"eax"有什么不同? assembly x86 x86-64 cpu-registers
以 r 开头的寄存器,如 rax 、 rbx 等,是使用 AMD64扩展 引入的 64位 寄存器,对现有32位x86 ISA进行了扩展。 后来,英特尔采用了这种ISA扩展,并常被称为更中性的名称 x86-64。 从AMD和英特尔在过去十年发布的几乎所有x86芯片都支持此ISA。 像 eax 、 ebx 等的寄存器是32位寄存器,既存在于原始的32位x86 ISA中,也存在于64位x86-64中。 如果你的书籍只提到这些寄存器,很可能它没有涵盖64位扩展(可能是在其出版之前编写的)。 请注意,32位和64位寄存器不是 …
x64 Architecture - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn
2024年12月11日 · For example, the 64-bit extension of eax is called rax. The new registers are named r8 through r15. The lower 32 bits, 16 bits, and 8 bits of each register are directly addressable in operands. This includes registers, like esi, …
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