Rayograph - MoMA
A term invented by Man Ray, in which he merged his name with the word “photograph” to describe his particular approach to the technique of making photograms. As old as …
将物影摄影发展成艺术——曼·雷和他的雷氏摄影_澎湃号·湃客_澎湃 …
2021年5月6日 · “物影摄影”指的是不使用照相机,直接把物体放在感光材料(如相纸)的表面,然后将其暴露在光线下而形成的摄影图像。 19世纪,亨利·福克斯·塔尔博特(Henry Fox Talbot)把树叶放在感光纸上,在阳光明媚的日子把它们放在户外曝光,产生了一个黑色背景和放置物体的白色轮廓。 塔尔博特的发现被他称为照相画,他的尝试可被认为是最早固定下影像的“物影摄影”。 近一个世纪后,艺术家曼·雷(Man Ray)在一次暗房洗相中,无意间将一张没有曝光的相纸掉 …
10 Most Famous Rayographs by Man Ray | DailyArt Magazine
2023年11月13日 · Without any further chatter, enjoy 10 of his most famous rayographs, followed by some of his best and most characteristic quotes! 1. Untitled with a Spring. Man Ray, Untitled, rayograph, 1922. Wikimedia Commons (public domain). It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them. 2. Untitled with Roll of Film.
Rayograph (The Kiss) (1922) by Man Ray – Artchive
“Rayograph (The Kiss)” is a photogram created by the artist Man Ray in 1922. This work is associated with the Dada art movement and falls under the genre of photo-based artwork. Currently, it is part of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in …
Man Ray | Rayograph | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Man Ray made his "rayographs" without a camera by placing objects-such as the thumbtacks, coil of wire, and other circular forms used here-directly on a sheet of photosensitized paper and exposing it to light.
Man Ray: Rayographs & Solarizations – In the In-Between
2014年7月5日 · Amongst the burgeoning creativity in Paris of the nineteen-twenties, the artist Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitzky, expanded the horizons of photography well beyond its representational means, and through relentless darkroom experimentation, liberated that medium from its place as a mirror to nature.
Man Ray | Rayograph | Whitney Museum of American Art
Man Ray called his photograms “rayographs,” a designation that referred both to rays of light and to his surname.
Understanding Man Ray's Surrealist Photographs
2024年4月18日 · In Paris, Man Ray pioneered the technique of rayography (a term derived from his surname and photography) creating images without a camera by manipulating objects and light on photosensitive paper. This innovative approach imbued traditional photography with a surreal quality, as seen in his famous Untitled Rayograph from 1922.
Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky). Rayograph. 1922 - MoMA
Did you know you can make a photograph without using a camera? Man Ray made this picture by placing objects on light-sensitive paper, then shining a bright light over them. The shadows …
Rayograph | All Works | The MFAH Collections
As would be expected from his affiliation with the Dada and Surrealist movements, Man Ray’s personal variant of the photogram, which he called the “rayograph,” was less restrained, more suggestive, and enigmatic in the seemingly arbitrary way in …