57XR-X|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
57XR, the third model of the gramLIGHTS 57 R Series, is supported in various scenes including the top category drift racing. For new 57XR-X, the competitive 2×6 spoke design inherited from 57XR was redesigned in a special way such that the wheels match vehicles for which large PCD wheels are used, such as Land Cruiser Prado, Hilux, and Hiace.
57XR|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
57CR and 57DR has been supported not only in D1GP and FORMULA DRIFT but also in various race scenes. This time, 57XR joins the royal “R” series as the third model. 57XR is structured by 2×6 slender spokes which design is authentic, while the machining logo on the spoke side creates an accent by painting to make it an embossed logo.
57XR|RAYS(株式会社レイズ)|革新的なハイパフォーマンス …
raysの「57xr」のページです。 ホイールメーカーのRAYS(株式会社レイズ) 。 レーステクノロジーとメイドインジャパンの精密さを融合した高性能ホイール。
57XR - RAYS Wheels
57CR and 57DR has been supported not only in D1GP and FORMULA DRIFT but also in various race scenes. This time, 57XR joins the royal “R” series as the third model. 57XR is structured …
日本RAYS GRAM LIGHTS 57XR旋压双六辐运动款式轮毂
RAYS是一个汽车改装轮圈产品的品牌,来自日本创立于1973年,而真正开始研发和生产轮圈是在1981年,并在同一年成立了汽车赛事运动部门,主要用于参加各级别赛车比赛。 1986年,RAYS引进5500吨锻造压力机,开始生产高强度锻造轮圈,而后在2005年,RAYS又引进了一台高达10000吨的锻造压力机,是当时首个采用此锻造压力机制造轮圈的工厂。 通过多年的经营,RAYS在日本成立了多家子公司使经营业务细分化,并把铸造轮圈工厂和锻造轮圈工厂分开 …
RAYS新品发布,大尺寸PCD专属数据 -- Gram Lights 57XR-X
2021年9月23日 · RAYS Gram Lights系列新品, 57XR作为继57DR、57CR 后的第三款“R系列”新品。 继承了该铸造系列在运动 方面的所有长处,针对大尺寸 PCD车型所打造衍生款—— 57XR-X,现已登场!
2023年11月18日 · 57xr-x,现已登场! 据RAYS官方简介,57XR这款场地赛受到追捧的轮毂转移到越野,依旧能给予驾驶者运动、性能、稳定的体验。 左:石墨黑/右:青铜
RAYS - gram LIGHTS 57XR-X Wheels - Nengun Performance
The RAYS gram LIGHTS 57XR-X Wheels are the third model of the gramLIGHTS 57 R Series. For the 57XR-X, the 2×6 spoke design inherited from 57XR was redesigned so that the wheels match vehicles with large PCD wheels, such as Land Cruiser Prado, Hilux, and Hiace.
Rays 57XR-X – CarGym
57XR, the third model of the gram Lights 57 R Series, is supported in various scenes including the top category drift racing. For new 57XR-X, the competitive 2×6 spoke design inherited from 57XR was redesigned in a special way such that the wheels match vehicles for which large PCD wheels are used, such as Land Cruiser Prado, Hilux, and Hiace.
Rays Gram Lights 57XR Wheel - Single - Matte Graphite
57CR and 57DR has been supported not only in D1GP and FORMULA DRIFT but also in various race scenes. This time, 57XR joins the royal “R” series as the third model. 57XR is structured by 2×6 slender spokes which design is authentic, while the machining logo on the spoke side creates an accent by painting to make it an embossed logo.