TE37|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
This is RAYS's 「TE37」 page.RAYS, a wheel manufacturer, combines race technology and Made-in-Japan precision to create high-performance wheels. Utilizing expertise honed in F1, …
TE37 ultra M-SPEC|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
TE37ULTRA has inherited the TE37 6-spoke design with excellent stress dispersion and has enhanced the lineup of high performance cars such as the R35GTR. With lightweight in mind, …
TE37 SAGA S-plus|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
TE37 demands variable sizes, rims, widths, and offsets from customers, and its design has been created to answer those demands while clearing big brake calipers: Racing concave. That …
2015年1月6日 · Rays TE37 TTA 是經典框 TE37 的進化款式利用現代工法進行切削,研磨,雙色塗裝等優化設計接下來就直接來看一下吧配件包含防塵套,說明書,貼紙和氣嘴以及選配的GT Hight …
TE37SL - RAYS Wheels - RAYS Volk Racing TE37SL
The Volk Racing TE37SL represents a tuned lightweight model of the TE37.
Rays Volk Racing TE37 SAGA Wheel - Single - Bronze - Z1 …
Thorough re-analysis of the original TE37, realization of higher rigidity and higher performance has been accomplished. This refined TE37 incorporate all these new factors of a sports car …
The new update ?S-PLUS? driven by the destiny of TE37. After a 5 year interval from TE37SAGA?s debut, variety of things have been changed. The dramatic improvement in …
Balance汽车改装之日本Rays经典轮毂系列 TE37 - 知乎
[TE37 Sonic]是作为新的TE37,以配合高性能的紧凑型汽车。 强度和刚性是通过创造比以前更宽的辐条和移动辐条端到边缘的安装表面来加强的。 国内GK5 绝配!
日本 RAYS TE37 Ultra 19吋鍛造鋁圈 - BLUES GARAGE
te37 ultra. 採大六爪造型 . 具有優異應力的te37 問世20餘年 . 是rays最為經典的款式 但是在改裝鋁圈氾濫的時代 要維持熱銷 . 只憑"經典"兩個字是不夠看的 2015年問世的te37 ultra 採用最新科 …
RAYS的经典轮圈款式:TE37的传承与演变 - 百家号
2025年2月28日 · TE37系列的首款产品为一款15X6.5J的轮圈,其轻盈而坚固的特性,使得整体重量控制在约3.7kg,从而得名“37”。 这一设计不仅彰显了RAYS在轮圈技术上的领先地位,更 …