Razer (robot) - Wikipedia
Razer is a combat robot that competes on the British television series Robot Wars. It was constructed by Simon Scott and Ian Lewis from Bournemouth; the team later expanded to …
Razer - Robot Wars Wiki | Fandom
Razer was a robot which competed in the British television game show Robot Wars. One of the most famous robots in the history of robotic combat, two-time World Champion Razer remains …
Razer - BattleBots Wiki
Razer was the eponymous British heavyweight robot from Team Razer which fought in both of the original 1999 BattleBots events at Long Beach and Las Vegas. Best known for competing in …
Team Razer - Robot Wars Wiki
Team Razer is a team of roboteers who entered the world-famous Razer in Series 2 through 6 of Robot Wars and both series of Robot Wars Extreme, later returning for the rebooted series in …
Team Razer - BattleBots Wiki
Team Razer, later known as Team Warhead, are a retired BattleBots team from the United Kingdom which competed in numerous US competitions including the untelevised 1999 Long …
【选手特辑】Robot Wars: Razer 机器人大擂台 利箭 部分比赛(S2 …
这是一个喜欢格斗机器人、宝可梦、LoveLive的个人平台。 【选手特辑】Robot Wars: Razer 机器人大擂台 利箭 部分比赛(S2-S6,S8,EX1,EX2)共计8条视频,包括:利箭(Razer)第 …
Razer | Ultimate Robot Archive Wikia | Fandom
Razer was a robot that competed in the British television game show Robot Wars. One of the most famous robots in the history of robotic combat, Razer is statistically the greatest robot in …
Razer/Robot Wars: Advanced Destruction
Razer is a British heavyweight robot which competed from the second series of Robot Wars until the sixth, before returning for Series 8, finishing as grand champion of Series 5, and runner-up …
Razer - Robot Combat Archive
Information about Razer, a combat robot that has fought 70 fights from the 1st of July 1998 to the 23rd of October 2002. Winning 43 and losing 11 in head to head battle.
如何客观评价Robot Wars(机器人大擂台)中Razer(利剑)等明 …
如何客观评价Robot Wars(机器人大擂台)中Razer(利剑)等明星机器人的实力? 如题,现在有很多利剑吹,说利剑来了秒天秒地秒空气,但事实…也有一帮利剑黑,把它说的一无是处,所 …