RBT-5 Rocket Damage - General Discussion - War Thunder
2024年2月13日 · It’s not RBT-5 rocked damage underperforming, it’s Sturmtiger’s rocket massively overperforming. Spoiler. Russian youtuber K2 ran tests regarding this and made this tab, which shows HE penetration increasing the more explosive mass there is, however while entire tab looks fine spot for Sturmtiger’s rocket isnt, its clearly overperforming.
RBT-5 worth keeping? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official …
2024年2月25日 · I miraculously (or maybe not) received an RBT-5 from an ancient Hot Tracks crate. It looks like its really only useful as a meme vehicle or maybe a fast scout/flanker. The rockets appear to be useless you spend months training yourself how to use them. Anyone having any fun with it or has its time passed? I don’t play any ground (yet) but I’m getting bored with air battles and thought ...
Ammo box update ruined the RBT-5, Katyusha, Andryusha, LOSAT …
2024年12月19日 · So you used to get full, unlimited reloads on rocket vehicles in arcade battles. After using all ammo, you would get a full reload after around 25 seconds (depending on your loader’s crew level). And now you can only get one slow reload, effectively making them only good for two volleys. What a shame. The vast majority of my playtime in the game was just having fun with these vehicles in ...
BT-5 & RBT-5 missing hitbox for the log - Official Forum
2025年1月14日 · BT-5 and RBT-5 missing the hitbox for the log. MightyBaozi Closed January 14, 2025, 12:52pm . 2
What should i buy? - The Academy - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年1月6日 · the winter tales event is ending soon and im planning to sale both the kfir c10 block 60 and the T80UB (i already finished israel Air tech tree and im currently not intrested in the chinese one) from what i calculated using past vechiles, and how op they both are i estimate both together will get me about 200$~. which vechile should i buy? i dont care about the nation or …
Console market workaround - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年12月19日 · I’m a console player, so I don’t have access to the market. This is fine for the most part, however there are very select few vehicles that I physically can’t get that would perfect my lineups. There’s also no way for us to get vehicle camos without getting lucky out of a box, again not very important but still great quality of life improvements. I’d …
MLRS vehicles need there automatic reloads back - War Thunder
2025年1月12日 · RBT-5 is terrible because of torpedo aiming being fixed together with a ridiculous angle against the main gun and BM-31 Andryusha has broken sight distance control despite having virtually the same sight setup as BM-13 Katyusha, so you have to aim at the bottom edge of your crosshair.
[RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Construction of ... - Official …
2024年7月17日 · it make sense because some tanks have shovels and pickaxe as decoration. For example in the Italian TT on the turret of the Ariete and Ariete PSO there is the pickaxe. And in the 105/25 M43, on the rear, there is a shovel. Anyway i think IRL every tank has a toolbox with shovels or other tools
[RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Construction of ... - Official …
2024年7月17日 · Vehicles include all Tank Destroyers, ATGM carriers (the type mentioned in the stat card, not any vehicle with ATGMs), all SPAA and SAMs, as well as ground vehicles with external rockets and bombs (such as the Calliope, M26 T99, RBT-5, Cromwell V (RP-3), Matilda Hedgehog, Magach Hydra).
What should i get from Gaijin Market? - War Thunder
2024年8月6日 · RBT-5 BA-11 BM-13N Object 292 Vilkas SPz 12-3 LGS Class 3 (P) LOSAT AGS CT-CV 105HP Kungstiger (if that is on the market yet) Planes. Jaguar E Jaguar IS Ki-48-II Otsu DB-7 Strikemaster Mk.88 Buccaneer S.1 Po-2M ITP (M-1) BI MiG-21PFM Fw 189A-1 BV 155 B-1 Ju 388 J Tornado IDS MFG A-1H F4D-1 F11F-1