RBXA2 - Specs - Basses - Guitars, Basses & Amps - Yamaha
The RBXA2 weighs about 20% less than its standard bass counterpart. Matched with an original pickup system developed in cooperation with Yamaha Artist Services Hollywood, it delivers a heavy sound that is both clear and powerful.
Yamaha RBX A2 - cream - Reverb
The Yamaha RBX A2 4-String Bass Guitar is a lightweight, solid bodied guitar featuring custom hardware, pickups and an A.I.R. treated body. This unique 4-string bass guitar is ideal for a range of styles and players, with its custom pickups and unique LED illuminated controls making it …
Yamaha RBX4 A2 Four-String Electric Bass Guitar Review - Gear …
The RBX4 A2 is ideal for players looking for resounding sustain without the heavy weight associated with bass guitars. Yamaha employs a construction concept called Alternative Internal Resonance (A.I.R.) technology, to give players balls and punch in a lightweight instrument.
Yamaha RBX A2 Black 4 string composite light weight bass - Reverb
Yamaha has shattered this concept with an advanced technology called Alternative Internal Resonance, or A.I.R. for short. A.I.R. combines lightweight and resonant softwoods sandwiched between harder tonewoods creating an instrument loaded with sustain and tone while maintaining an ultra lightweight construction.
RBXA2 - 概述 - 電貝斯 - 吉他、貝斯和音箱 - 樂器 - 產品 - Yamaha …
專利的A.I.R. (Alternative Internal Resonance)輕量化技術,外層桃花心木包裹的堅固超輕量化琴身,與傳統設計電貝斯一樣飽滿紮實的音色,具科技現代感的白色外觀,加上LED pickup前後切換開關,不只造型酷炫夜間表演時,也讓你隨時了解tone的狀況,拿著RBX4 A2絕對讓你 ...
Yamaha RBX-A2 White - Reverb
Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description. Simply report any issues within 7 days and we'll help you get a full refund. Learn more about Reverb Buyer Protection. Very Good items may show a few slight marks or scratches but are fully functional and in overall great shape. Learn more.
愛用機YAMAHA RBX A2を詳しくご紹介!!|ラウドバンドの …
鉄板を折り曲げて軽量化を実現したブリッジ、2つのピックアップそれぞれに対応した、ボリュームの大小に対応して内蔵したLEDの輝度が変化するコントローラーの採用、演奏性に配慮して突起をなくしたブリッジサドルなど細部にこだわったデザイン。 飛行機の機体を思わせるエアクラフトグレイ&ホワイトのツートーンフィニッシュ、スタイリッシュなデザインを際立たせる漆黒のジェットブラックフィニッシュ。 個性的な2カラーをラインナップ。 ※そん …
RBXA2 - Overview - Basses - Guitars, Basses & Amps - Musical
The RBX5A2 is a 5-string version of the RBX4A2. This bass delivers clear, powerful, and rich tone all the way down to its low open B. Its wide sound range and outstanding playability defy the common concepts of previous 5-string designs, and open the door to a whole new range of playing possibilities.
RBX4A2 - エレキベース - 概要 - ヤマハ
3.2kgの超軽量と的確なウェイトバランスが抜群の演奏性を実現。 常に弾きやすいプレイフォームがとれ、プレイヤーと一体化したスムーズなプレイが可能。 長時間の演奏でもプレイに集中でき、アクションもラクラクOK。 軽量ボディでもサウンドは重量級。 A.I.R.テクノロジー&新開発ピックアップが生み出すクリアでパンチのある太いサウンドはさまざまなジャンルに対応。 「RGX A2」と同様の新開発ボディ構造を採用し、フルサイズのエレキベースを大幅 …
RBX Series - Overview - Basses - Guitars, Basses & Amps - Yamaha
Their commanding looks and big low-end tone equip these RBX basses to take on any challenger. The ergonomic body design and 3-D headstock are identifying qualities of RBX374 and RBX375 basses. The smooth tapered feel of the bolt-on neck along with the specially designed humbucking pickups and active circuitry create a comfortable feel.