Rear Delt Pec Dec - YouTube
2013年8月22日 · Chris demonstrates how to train rear deltoids on the pec dec machine. It's important to keep your traps out of the exercise by relaxing them and dropping you...
Maximize Chest Gains: Master the Pec Deck Exercise
2024年8月11日 · Enhance your Chest workout with the Pec Deck! Target your Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Deltoids, and Triceps Brachii. Get tips for proper form and avoid mistakes!
Pec dec/ rear delt combo machine | Mac Strength
The Pec Dec function allows you to perform the chest fly exercise using a cable machine. This exercise is great for directly targeting and growing the pectoral muscles as it allows for a wide range of motion while keeping your body well supported.
【胸部】经典训练动作 - 图解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
蝴蝶机夹胸 - Pec deck fly 器械推胸 - Machine chest press 上斜绳索飞鸟 - Incline cable fly 高位绳索夹胸 - High cable crossover 低位绳索夹胸 - Low cable crossover 站姿杠铃片胸推 - Svend press - 无器械 -
Pec Dec - YouTube
2016年5月7日 · Pec decPec Dec with dumbbell is a movement of the upper body that takes place in a horizontal plane and mainly uses the muscles of the chest. The actions ar...
Pec Deck: Video Exercise Guide & Tips - Muscle & Strength
The Pec Deck is a machine exercise designed to target the chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis major. The movement mimics the action of a chest fly, isolating the chest muscles and helping to improve strength and muscle definition in the upper body.
Pec dec - YouTube
2024年9月30日 · How to setup and execute the pec dec.
Excel Pec Dec/Rear Delt Combo - Muscle D Fitness
Unleash the pec-popping and delt-defining magic with the Muscle D Fitness Excel Pec Deck/Rear Delt Combo – the ultimate fusion for sculpting a chest and shoulders that'll have you flexing with pride!
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Reverse Pec Dec: Your Complete Guide to Training Your ... - Health Pages
The Reverse Pec Dec is an exercise that allows you to target an area of your shoulders that is very difficult to hit – the rear delts. In this article, we provide you with a complete guide to getting the optimal benefit from this great exercise on the pec dec machine.
Pec Deck - Fitness Documentation
The Pec Deck is a popular strength training exercise that targets the chest muscles. It's typically performed on a machine known as the pec deck machine or fly machine, which has two vertical arms that are padded and can be adjusted to fit the user's arm length.