RG34 (RD6R) - Traffic Signs NZ Ltd
Compatible file extensions to upload: jpg, png, doc, docx, pdf. Any changes to standard signs or the addition of graffiti guard or Dros, may incur a price change. Please check with Traffic Signs …
Sign specifications | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
2025年2月12日 · All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. The traffic sign images available on this website must not be used in any visual media (eg, roadside …
RD6R (RG-34) - Approach Signs Limited
RD6R (RG-34) Keep Right - This single disk temporary sign is erected to move traffic away from an object either moving from one lane to another or diverting them around a parked vehicle …
RG-34 Keep Right Sign - (RD6R or R3-13.2) - RTL
Keep Right Single Disk temporary sign is erected to move traffic away from an object either moving from one lane to another or diverting them around a parked vehicle indicating to pass …
RG-34.1 Keep Right Twin Disc Sign - RTL
The RD6R size can not be reduced from the standard L1 or L2 signs. Keep Right Twin Disk sign must be erected at or near the face of a physical traffic island to face approaching traffic where …
Nelson Signs | Buy Keep Right Single Disc
TCD Code: RD6R. MOTSAM: RG-34. TCD Rule: R3-13.2. Powder Coated 2mm aluminum. Available Sizes 400mm, 600mm, 750mm, 900mm. Price $80.50 – $138.00 +GST
RG-17.1 & RG-34.1 Cone Mounted Twin Disc Flip Sign - (RD6L & RD6R…
TCD Code RD6L & RD6R MOTSAM RG-17.1 & RG-34.1. Due to the hinged design, The Twin Disc Flip Sign combines two cone mounted signs into one. The Twin Disc Flip Sign features a …
RD6R (RG-34.1) - Approach Signs Limited
rd6r (rg-34.1) Keep Right Twin Disc - This sign must be erected at or near the face of a physical traffic island to face approaching traffic where it is intended that traffic should pass to the Right …
RD6R is only required at the head of the taper 3. *For shoulders exceeding 2.5m width, apply the calculation of taper length for lateral shift of less than 3.5m: W x H 3.5 W = Width of lateral …
Sign specifications | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
2019年5月31日 · RD6L or RD6R. blue (R) and white (R) Background : symmetrical chevron with stripes sloping down at 45 degrees to each side, alternating red (R) and white (R) bands …