Steam DLC Page: Resident Evil 2
59 haunting tracks from Resident Evil 2 make their way to Steam, including the ending vocal theme “Saudade” and the music from “The Ghost Survivors”! -60% $4.99
The Ghost Survivors DLC - Resident Evil 2 Remake Guide - IGN
2019年2月15日 · The Ghost Survivors is a free DLC for Resident Evil 2 Remake, that features the "what if" stories of three unlucky souls trying to escape Raccoon City.
Downloadable content in Resident Evil 2 remake
The following is a list of Downloadable content tied to Resident Evil 2. An "IF" scenario for Robert Kendo, Katherine Warren, Ghost and Daniel Cortini if they had survived. A costume for Claire Redfield based off the attire of the character Elza Walker the main protagonist of Resident Evil 2 during initial development.
Resident Evil 2 Remake DLC - Ghost Survivors and All DLC
2019年1月29日 · What DLC is available now for the Resident Evil 2 Remake? What DLC has been announced or is coming soon for the game? Is there any free DLC? How about paid expansions? We've got a tidy list below, which we'll keep updated. The biggest DLC update for the game is coming on February 15, and it's titled The Ghost Survivors.
小白问下生化危机2重制版的7个dlc有必要买吗。_生化危机吧_百度 …
看楼主的需要;生2重制的dlc多是衣服的,另有一个原版的音乐和无限加强火力。 服装可以买,毕竟换服装是生化危机的传统风格了。 买了的表示没必要买,可玩性不高...... 小白问下生化危机2重..新人有个问题,昨天下了个mod,直接扔根目录了,那我今天想装几个mod,那我该怎么办,再扔进去,文件名好像重叠了还有就是,新下载的mod都要经过modmanager激活嘛?
Resident Evil 2 DLC Unlocks All In-Game Rewards
2019年4月6日 · The recently released Resident Evil 2 All In-game Rewards Unlock DLC gives players access to additional game modes, infinite ammo, costumes, and more.
重返游戏:《生化危机2》推出27元解锁所有奖励DLC模式你会支持这种DLC …
2019年4月8日 · 《生化危机2》近日公开了“解锁所有 游戏 内奖励”DLC本DLC能够解锁游戏内的记录报酬,包括:额外模式「第 4 生还者」、额外模式「豆腐生还者」、服装、无限奖励武器、概念美术和模型。 不包括「幽灵生还者」的纪录达成报酬。 之前需要玩家奋斗才能解开的模式,现在PS4港服仅需39港币、国区steam仅需27人民币。 玩家简直就是化身终结者……可以在浣熊市为所欲为的追着丧尸、舔食者、暴君满街跑 各位新老玩家会支持CAPCOM这波操作么? 欢迎投票 …
Resident Evil 2 Extra DLC Pack - Official PlayStation™Store US
2022年6月13日 · You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account. ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. 1998, 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Resident Evil 2 DLCs - SteamDB
2025年3月11日 · A deadly virus engulfs the residents of Raccoon City in September of 1998, plunging the city into chaos as flesh eating zombies roam the streets for survivors. An unparalleled adrenaline rush, gripping storyline, and unimaginable horrors await you. Witness the return of Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil 2 Steam charts, data, update history.
用这个DLC 你就能解锁《生化危机2重制版》全部奖励_3DM单机
2019年4月5日 · 今日,Steam上架了《生化危机2:重制版》解锁全部奖励的DLC,售价27元。 使用此DLC之后,就可以直接使用“豆腐”模式和“第四生还者”模式,还有超级多的武器、服饰、人物模式和概念设定图。