Woman | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom
The woman was one of the victims of the Raccoon City Destruction Incident.[1] Jill Valentine encountered the woman shortly after meeting with Brad Vickers on 28th September. The woman was being cornered by two zombies and ran for her …
Jill Valentine | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom
Jill Valentine(ジル・バレンタインJiru Barentain?) is an American Special Operations Agent (SOA) of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, of which she is a co-founder and an original member.
All Resident Evil Female Characters, RANKED Worst To Best
Unknown Woman (Resident Evil 3) This unknown woman is an NPC from Resident Evil 3. This woman appears after Jill Valentine meets up with Brad Vickers at a bar. The woman in the streets is seen running off, but eventually gets eaten by zombies. As a random NPC, there isn’t much information about her. Interesting fact (s) about the unknown woman.
Category:Resident Evil 3 remake characters - Fandom
Resident Evil 3 (2020) Resident Evil: Resistance (2020) 2021-Resident Evil Village (2021) Resident Evil Re:Verse (2022) Resident Evil 4 (2023) Resident Evil 9 (2025) Latest other games. The War on Horror (2011) Team Survive (2012) Nohopeleft.com (2012) Beginning Hour (2016) BAKAHAZA (2017)
Mods at Resident Evil 3 (2020) Nexus - Mods and community
2020年3月21日 · Replaces all of Jills costumes with Becca Woollet from RE:Resistance and includes her Original Physics
Re:从零开始的异世界生活第三季日本动漫全集在线观看与免费观 …
6 天之前 · 日本动漫Re:从零开始的异世界生活第三季全集免费观看,包含剧情介绍、演员表以及在线观看链接,《Re:从零开始的异世界生活第三季》是由小林裕介,高桥李主演的日本动漫 自从击退了艾尔莎等人的袭击,并在和大兔的战斗中与碧翠丝签订契约,从而解放了 ...
Category:Female | Re:Zero Wiki | Fandom
A category for all female characters.
What did you think of Jill's outfit in RE 3: Nemesis - Reddit
2022年8月21日 · A big smile crept over my face when Sienna Guillory wore it in the second RE movie with Alice. At this point, it is what it is and it's part of Jill's character in my opinion. I think RE3 remake had the right idea modernizing and updating her outfit for the game while keeping her Classic 3 Tube Top look as an outfit choice.
Resident Evil: Best Female Characters, Ranked - Game Rant
2024年11月23日 · Resident Evil celebrates women through strong, diverse, and complex characters like Jill Valentine, Claire Redfield, and Ada Wong. The series provides a balance between male and female heroes,...
Resident Evil 3 Remake MOD Jill Valentine Wonder Woman Full Gameplay 3 ...
2020年10月19日 · You're up to date. View All. You're up to date. All games ; Resident Evil 3 (2020) ... Resident Evil 3 Remake MOD Jill Valentine Wonder Woman Full Gameplay 3 of 3 PC MOD. Endorsements. 11. Total views. 4.1k. Video information. Added on 19 October 2020 9:47AM. Uploaded by Edward1981. More videos View more from uploader.