Unpleaseant experience with Resident Evil 2 VR Mod - Reddit
2023年2月3日 · i played RE2 praydog mod and game ran fine, i use rtx 4090 and 5900x, only main hall has perf issue otherwise was smoooooth and looked great maxed out at 140% ss, …
RE2, about mods and switching to non-RT version. : r/residentevil
2024年1月22日 · RE2 Remake with fixed camera angles (Mod by alphaZomega) 7. upvotes ...
X Gon' Give It To Ya mod is here! : r/residentevil - Reddit
Not important for this mod though. Afterwards are series of information about each file inside the PAK like hash, offset, compressed size, actual size, attributes, etc. If you have high …
Resident Evil DLSS&DLAA/FSR2/XeSS vs built in AA solution
DLSS at quality with this mod though, while significantly improving many of the other aspects that Interlaced (or FSR 1.0) break down in such as Mia's hair, makes the specular artifacting even …
RE2 Playable Sherry Mod : r/residentevil - Reddit
2019年12月26日 · 513K subscribers in the residentevil community. A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan).
Resident Evil 2 FIRST PERSON MOD!! - by modder praydog
2019年2月5日 · 58 votes, 31 comments. 475K subscribers in the residentevil community. A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in…
Resident Evil 2 VR Mod - why can't I make it work? : r/SteamVR
2023年9月11日 · OK - long time user of Quest 2 plus Virtual Desktop. RE2 on Steam sale - looks killer in VR with the PrayDog Mod. Snapped it up. I have installed the game. I have …
RT or Non-RT for RE2 and RE3 Remake for mods? : r/residentevil
2024年5月31日 · I'm physically challenged -- I was born with Cerebral Palsy, and can only use my right hand (among other limitations). I'm 99% a console player but am unable to play the …
Resident Evil 2 VR mod body visible in one eye and invisible
2022年7月16日 · To solve the problem with Leon's body rendered only in one eye. I would recommend switching to the DX11 version of RE2 in the Steam Beta Branch and using the …
So how is the Resident Evil 2 VR mod? : r/SteamVR - Reddit
In RE2 the only issue is the menu not always being in your direction when you bring it up - sometimes you have to turn around. In RE3 the only issue is that you have to play the first few …