GitHub - r-lib/desc: Manipulate DESCRIPTION files
Parse, manipulate and reformat DESCRIPTION files. The package provides two APIs, one is object oriented, the other one is procedural and manipulates the files in place.
desc : Read a DESCRIPTION file - R Package Documentation
2024年5月29日 · Read a DESCRIPTION file Description This is a convenience wrapper for description$new(). Very often you want to read an existing DESCRIPTION file, and to do this …
Read a DESCRIPTION file — desc
Very often you want to read an existing DESCRIPTION file, and to do this you can just supply the path to the file or its directory to desc(). A command to create a description from scratch. …
Read, write, update, validate DESCRIPTION files — description • desc
There are two ways of creating a description object. The first is reading an already existing DESCRIPTION file; simply give the name of the file as an argument. The default is …
desc package - RDocumentation
Parse, manipulate and reformat DESCRIPTION files. The package provides two APIs, one is object oriented, the other one is procedural and manipulates the files in place. The object …
desc function - RDocumentation
desc: Read a DESCRIPTION file Description This is a convenience wrapper for description$new(). Very often you want to read an existing DESCRIPTION file, and to do this …
Description Tools to read, write, create, and manipulate DESCRIPTION files. It is intended for packages that create or manipulate other packages. check_field(x, warn = FALSE, ...) The …
read desc Project by [Moved] Caku | Tynker
read desc, a project made by [Moved] Caku using Tynker. Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes.
MySQL笔记4:desc命令的两个用法 - CSDN博客
MySQL中desc命令的两个用法! 1.desc查看表结构的详细信息desc table_name;2.desc降序排列数据select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc;手动指定按照薪水由大到小排序(降序关键 …
MOVED (Read Desc) | Roblox Game - Rolimon's
MOVED (Read Desc) is a Roblox FPS game by Orrin2307_alt. It was created Thursday, January 20, 2022 and has been played at least 31,016,100 times.
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