Rebelway | Online VFX Courses, Houdini Training, and CG Tutorials
We empower you to achieve your VFX goals through immersive online VFX courses led by the best artists in the world. BECOME A VFX LEGEND. This is no place for gimmicks. At …
Canyoneering 101 - Rebelay - The Dye Clan
A rebelay is created when you attach one rope to two anchors. The first anchor is at the top of the rappel, and the second anchor is further down. A rebelay is used to redirect the rope away …
Protect a fixed rope with a rebelay — Alpinesavvy
2024年12月12日 · One way to protect your rope: the rebelay. Rebelays have long been used by cavers, who know how to take good care of fixed ropes. Rebelays can also be useful in some …
Passing a rebelay on descent - Petzl USA
Passing a rebelay on descent The many rope manipulations involved in caving can waste precious time. Good organization allows for efficient rebelay passage, leaving more time for …
Rebelway - YouTube
We are the most exciting VFX school on the planet. Through our exclusive online training, we help aspiring VFX artists learn the skills they need to land their dream job and create world-class FX...
Rebelway Courses | Compositing and FX in Houdini, Nuke, and …
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of machine learning and AI and how they can be applied to 3D and VFX. A basics course for anyone looking to learn Houdini from the ground …
Notes on Alpine-style SRT - National Speleological Society
A rebelay is where the rope is re-attached (belayed) to the rock part way down a pitch (see picture). If the rope from the top of the pitch meets a rub point/ waterfall/loose rock etc. the …
Rebelay - cavinguk.co.uk
Rebelay (pronounced "REE-BEE-lay", not "REE-bu-LAY") A series of rebelays, including a Y-hang rebelay in the background. CUCC Old Flyover, Pwll Dwfn. Abseiling past a rebelay, …
Vertical Caving - Crossing Rebelays - YouTube
Caving Vlog #10 In vertical caving, crossing rebelays is an important and often under-practiced technique. This video demonstrates the basic technique. Caves are delicate and potentially …
Rebelays - Australian Speleological Federation
2021年3月9日 · Rebelays are a basic fact of life in alpine style rigging. They’re absolutely vital with thin rope, as they save it from being destroyed, and handy with thick rope, as they can …