  1. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) for …

    • A doctor named Albert Ellis developed REBT in 1957. This therapy was inspired by stoic philosophy and many scholars believe that from REBT spawned cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). REBT shares som… 展开

    REBT and Substance Use Treatment

    Behavioral therapies are the most commonly used substance use treatment modality.3 Behavioral therapy can be delivered in individual, group, or family therapy settings … 展开

    American Addiction Centers
    Other Models of REBT

    Returning to the traditional ABC model, psychologists determined that additional components should be added to the ABC framework in an attempt to explain the complexities tha… 展开

    American Addiction Centers
    What Is REBT Used to Treat?

    The focus of REBT on irrational beliefs has been used in substance use treatment.4 In treatment of AUD, the focus of irrational beliefs around one’s drinking behavior are evaluated using … 展开

    American Addiction Centers