Recom M69-AR | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
The Recom M69-AR, also known as the Skel M69-AR,[1] manufactured by Freeborn Ballistics, is a standard issue assault rifle specifically designed for the large frame of a Recom unit, or Skel …
【阿凡达设定】单挑利器——EXO-32外骨骼和专用武器 - 哔哩哔哩
重组M69-AR是 弗里伯恩弹道公司(Freeborn Ballistics) 生产的一型制式突击步枪,专为重组人和骨骼服士兵这样的高个子使用者设计。 它使用 点50口径子弹(12.7x76 毫米) ,威力比传统 …
Recombinant | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
The Recom M69-AR, an assault rifle designed for their larger hands. Most of the infantry weapons used by Recoms are shareable with Skel Suits, which are designed to the similar sizes and …
Avatar: The Way of Water - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Recom M69-AR or Skei M69-AR is a large frame assault rifle standard issue and specifically designed for the RDA SecOps EXO-32 Light Mobility Platform aka "Skel Suit" operators and …
2022年12月22日 · m69-ar是专门为重组小队和辅助外骨骼配置的大体格突击步枪,有辅助握把,能保证更好的射击稳定性,并拥有更长的枪管,和比较高的射速。 辅助外骨骼
【阿凡达设定】赎罪来世——重组人/Recom - 哔哩哔哩
第一重组部队(1st Recom Unit) 是Sec-Ops的主要打手兼特种作战部队,直接受到RDA最高层的调度并且能在任何严酷条件下效力。由迈尔斯·夸奇(Miles Quaritch)担任队长,温弗 …
Recoms - 百度百科
Recoms(重组人),科幻电影《阿凡达:水之道》中的虚拟组织Recoms被归类为凤凰计划,是由RDA创造的新型转基因人类/纳美人混合战士。 虽然Recoms类似于阿凡达,但关键的区别在 …
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (Halo) vs Recombinants ... - SpaceBattles
2023年6月25日 · The Recom M69-AR, also known as the Skel M69-AR,[1] manufactured by Freeborn Ballistics, is a standard issue assault rifle specifically designed for the large frame of …
The tenets of Eywa and Na'vi using firearms? : r/Avatar - Reddit
2023年8月5日 · Side Note: One thing I've learned is that while the Recom M69-AR Assault Rifle is proportional in size to a Na'vi because the Na'vi is 3 meters tall, the M69-AR is MUCH bigger …
M69-AR (Avatar 2) by JuanTheMerc18 on DeviantArt
2024年10月23日 · The Recom M69-AR (or Skel M69-AR) is a Assault Rifle created by The RDA that's used by both Recombinants and Skel-Suit Operators during the events of James …