Bunion removal surgery and metal pins question - Patient
I had a bunion removed on December 23, 2013. A slice of the big toe was removed (primarily the bunion) and two pins were inserted for stability. After two months I started to experience pain …
Bunion surgery - recovery experiences please - Patient
2017年1月10日 · Hello I have just been referred for bunion surgery and I am interested in knowing peoples recovery stories. I am a single mum of 2 children aged 7 & 9 and my job involves …
Bunion surgery -having both feet done at the same time. - Patient
2014年6月29日 · Hi katherine17566 I read about your bunionectomy done in both feet. I think i may need that due to servere deformity. I am thinking of getting both feet done the same time. …
Bunion surgery - much more painful than I ever imagined - Patient
2012年3月6日 · I had a bunionectomy 8 years ago with the orthopaedic surgeon shaving the bone. I waited 12 months for the operation and was sorry I had it because he hardly said …
How long until I can go back to work after bunion surgery? - Patient
I had bunion surgery March 10th. I don't remember the medical terminology for the procedure but it involved an osteotomy on my fifth toe and a fusion of the bones in my big toe (not the big toe …
Recovery question bunion surgery - Patient
2017年3月29日 · Hi - I wore my boot all the time for the first few weeks even in bed although I stopped wearing it in bed once toes were less tender. I am only just out of boot eight weeks …
Toe separators after surgery??? | Hallux Valgus (Bunions ... - Patient
2014年10月23日 · The surgery and separator just corrected my bunion/straightened the alignment of my big toe - the other toes weren't a problem, thankfully. The surgery made a tremendous …
6 weeks after bunion/hammertoe surgery - foot quite swollen
2019年12月14日 · Simona I'm at the exact same place in my recovery, 6 weeks from bunion, hammertoe and tailors bunion surgery Oct 30, 2019. Its very frustrating to still be so swollen.
I'm in the military; road to recovery after lapidus bunionectomy
2016年5月18日 · Hi. From what I'm learning about all bunion surgery is when Doctors tell you 6 to 8 weeks recovery time, this is just not true. I had surgery end of January involving bolts, …
Post bunion surgery sharp pains and spasms. - Patient
2016年10月30日 · Unfortunately mine left a large gap between both toes which widened my foot and now will be having bunionette surgery next February similar to the bunionectomy plus four …