碧云天生物技术-Gel-Red (EB升级换代产品, 10000X) (D0139)
碧云天的Gel-Red (凝胶红)核酸染料是一种EB (Ethidium bromide,溴化乙锭)的升级换代产品,用于凝胶中DNA、RNA等核酸的染色。 Gel-Red具有安全 (致突变性极低且检测不到显著的细胞 …
RED-ML: RNA editing detection based on machine learning
RED-ML is a software tool to do genome-wide RNA editing dectection (RED) based on RNA-seq data. All source codes and executables are located in the "bin" directory. The tool can be run …
Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for Windows - University of …
Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for Windows Version 6.0, August 9, 2004 The following functions are mostly from the original Borland Graphics Interface for DOS programs. The BGI graphics …
Ultra GelRed (10,000 ×)_GelRed无毒核酸染料_产品中心_南京诺唯 …
Ultra GelRed是一种可以替代溴化乙锭 (EB)的新型核酸染料,具有灵敏度高,热稳定性强等诸多优势,对微量DNA,尤其是微量小分子DNA具有更高的检测灵敏度。 经本品染色的DNA条带在 …
DEV C++:手把手带你配置graphics.h(以DEV C++ 5.11为例)
Colors for Windows BGI - University of Colorado Boulder …
A color may be specified from red, green and blue components using a new function called COLOR(r,g,b). Each of the r,g,b arguments must be a number in the range 0 to 255. For …
WINBGIM: Borland BGI Graphics & Mouse for Windows
The winbgim library allows you to use BGI graphics routines and simple mouse support for Windows applications that you write with CS1300's mingw32 gnu C++ compiler or with the …
BGI graphics library - Part 1 - JustdoCodings
2018年1月21日 · From this article onwards, there will be several articles containing BGI library functions and their examples. This article discusses the following functions : This function …
GelRed 核酸染料(10,000 × in water)-无毒核酸染料-和元李记( …
GelRed是一种结合于所有dsDNA双螺旋小沟区域的具有独特设计的荧光染料,荧光信号强度与双链DNA的数量相关,与溴化乙锭(EB)有相同的光谱特性,使用观察EB的普通紫外凝胶透射 …
Big Red Arrow Cursor Details - RealWorld Graphics
2015年5月1日 · Draw your own cursor online. Learn how to create animated cursors in a video tutorial. To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page: