Firecracker Fern - Central Texas Gardener
Covered in bright pink to deep red flowers all summer long, firecracker fern makes a stunning addition to any garden, especially when shown off next to highly contrasting colors, like our beautiful native limestone blocks, often used to build retaining walls and raised beds.
Firecracker Fern - Austin Native Landscaping
This smallish, fern look alike, droops with ample of red and delicate blooms at spring and remains an interesting element during the winter when its intricate foliage stands out in the winter gloom. Thrives in both full sun and part shade, drought resistant, and virtually maintenance free, this firecracker is a dynamite plant choice!
Red Firecracker Fern, Firecracker Plant, Coral Fountain Plant ...
The Red Firecracker Fern produces loads of 1" showy red tubular flowers that are born in large loose clusters along the arching ferny stems throughout the warmer months of the year or nearly year round where winters are mild. Excellent for Hummingbirds! This is a durable and long-lived, clump forming perennial tha
Russelia equisetiformis, Red Firecracker Fern, Coral Fountain
Red Firecracker Fern is not a real fern but a member of the old snapdragon family that has, due to the mysteries of DNA-based classification, had many of its members inexplicably transferred to the plantain family. There are about 50 species of Russelia described from tropical America but only three are listed for sale.
Firecracker Plant, Russelia equisetiformis, Monrovia Plant
Firecracker Plant, Clusters of scarlet tubular flowers resembling small firecrackers provide reliable color from spring through fall. Slender, rush-like stems s
Red Firecracker Fern | Shoal Creek Nursery LLC | Austin, TX
Showcasing red, delicate flowers in large loose clusters throughout the warmer months of the year or nearly year-round where winters are mild, the red firecracker fern is also known as the Coral Fountain Plant since it looks like a fountain of green, fine textured stems covered in colorful tubular flowers originating from a central point.
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker Fern, Coral Plant - TopTropicals
Firecracker fern, Coral plant. Bright red flowers. Low-growing shrub, distinctive for its long, drooping, usually leafless stems and the almost continuous clusters of small tubular flowers. Each plant produces many branches and is particularly effective when grown in a raised bed or rock garden so that the flower-laden stems hang down.
Firecracker Plant Care: Russelia Equisetiformis Growing and Care
Fire cracker plant’s firecracker-shaped red tubular flowers come in shades of white, scarlet, orange, and coral. Its beautiful flower color and growth pattern look explosive! They’re attractive to pollinators of all sorts, but they are especially inviting to hummingbirds.
Russelia equisetiformis - North Carolina Extension Gardener …
Its arching branches and graceful form can make it appear as a fountain of bright red blooms. It does not do well outdoors at temperatures below 41 degrees F; however, it can be grown in pots or baskets, in which case it should be brought indoors during the winter and treated as a houseplant in a warm, sunny site.
Russelia equisetiformis Firecracker Fern from Mortellaros
Semi-evergreen perennial with clusters of scarlet tubular blooms from spring to fall. They form on the new growth of slender stems that gracefully fall over as they grow upwards, almost a fern growth habit. Appreciates regular watering and good drainage.