Golden Pheasant - eBird
Red-and-gold male stunning and unmistakable. Female differs from Common Pheasant in strongly barred plumage, dull pinkish (not gray) legs and feet and from Lady Amherst’s Pheasant in lighter barring, more orangeish coloration, and the lack of …
Ring-necked Pheasant - eBird
This long-tailed game bird is native to Asia and has been introduced in many other parts of the world. Male has fleshy, red facial wattles, iridescent blue neck, and richly colored red and golden underparts with dark spots; his namesake white neck ring is indistinct on some birds.
Lady Amherst's Pheasant - eBird
Attractive terrestrial bird of hilly forests with dense patches of undergrowth. Stately male is resplendent, with long striped tail, white belly, and black-and-white scaling on neck. Female brown with black striping and gray skin around the eye. Female Golden Pheasant similar but grayer in coloration and has smaller pinkish eye patch.
Swinhoe's Pheasant - eBird
Secretive, handsome endemic pheasant of Taiwan's mountains. Male slaty blue from nape to flanks, with contrasting white upper back, brown mantle, and dark gray wings; female mostly rich brown with pale markings above. Both sexes have red facial skin, more extensive in male.
Checklist for Sichuan, CN - eBird
Golden Pheasant. Lady Amherst's Pheasant. Ring-necked Pheasant. White Eared-Pheasant. Blue Eared-Pheasant. Silver Pheasant. Indian Peafowl. pheasant sp. Chinese Bamboo-Partridge. ... Red-billed/Yellow-billed Chough. Daurian Jackdaw. Rook. Carrion Crow. Large-billed Crow. Collared Crow. crow sp. Common Raven. crow/raven sp. corvid sp.
Ring-necked/Green Pheasant - eBird
Learn about Ring-necked/Green Pheasant: explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Checklist for California, US - eBird
Golden x Lady Amherst's Pheasant (hybrid) Ring-necked Pheasant. Green Pheasant. Ring-necked/Green Pheasant. Kalij Pheasant. Silver Pheasant. Indian Peafowl. Gray Peacock-Pheasant. ... Yellow-bellied/Red-naped x Red-breasted Sapsucker (hybrid) Red-naped/Red-breasted Sapsucker. sapsucker sp. Lewis's Woodpecker. Red-headed Woodpecker. Acorn ...
Green Pheasant - eBird
The male is striking with bottle-green underparts, purplish-blue neck and head with red facial skin. Upperparts are intricately patterned brown and powder-gray with a long, pointed tail. Females are entirely brown with spotted and scalloped pattern.
Mikado Pheasant - eBird
A stunning pheasant species endemic to Taiwan, the male a rich slaty blue with white markings and red facial skin, the female rich brown with extensive pale feather edges. Generally retiring, foraging quietly in the undergrowth of montane forests, but occasionally seen in the open, particularly in places where fed.
Checklist for Australia - eBird
Golden Pheasant. Ring-necked Pheasant. Green Pheasant. Indian Peafowl. pheasant sp. Red Junglefowl. Brown Quail. Blue-breasted Quail. Japanese Quail. Stubble Quail. old world quail sp. ... Superb x Red-backed Fairywren (hybrid) fairywren sp. Honeyeaters. Eastern Spinebill. Western Spinebill. Pied Honeyeater. Yellow-spotted Honeyeater. Lewin's ...