Used Lexus LX for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
Browse the best March 2025 deals on Lexus LX vehicles for sale. Save $10,059 this March on a Lexus LX on CarGurus.
Lexus LX470 Antifreeze & Coolant - AutoZone
Order Lexus LX470 Antifreeze/Engine Coolant online today. Free Same Day Store Pickup. Check out free battery charging and engine diagnostic testing while you are in store.
Lexus Coolant - 98 - 07 Lexus LX470 - 07 Lexus LX470 - Lexus …
2008年3月11日 · I just bought a 1999 Lexus LX470 last week. It has 98K miles and still runs great! I do have a couple of questions: When I purchased the truck, I noticed the coolant tank was a little low. I poured some standard (green coolant) mixed with water into the tank. Two days later, I read that I am only supposed to use the red Lexus coolant. Is this bad?
Used Lexus LX 470 for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Test drive Used Lexus LX 470 at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 104 Used Lexus LX 470 cars for sale, including a 1998 Lexus LX 470 4WD, a 1999 Lexus LX 470 4WD, and a 2000 Lexus LX 470 4WD ranging in price from $2,999 to $63,990.
LX470 '06 headlight upgrade! Glass/polycarb and LED or HID
2023年5月14日 · I'm planning to upgrade my 06 LX headlight situation. I already have the projector brackets from LB Lightwerks but am now planning the rest of it. My lights have seen better dates so I was considering buying a new stock pair (seems that $750 is about the going rate). Any thoughts on glass vs polycarb housing?
2021年11月17日 · 20年前路上遇到这款lx470都会盯着多看几眼,等自己换了570却没有当初的那份心情。 看姑娘也这样吧. 十多年不玩论坛了,今天重新找回账号我也发一下我的老情怀给大家看看,二十来岁的梦想还只停留在沙漠风暴4500,这个就更不敢想了,找了好久才找到比较满意的470上图大家看看。 买它只为了拖船出海钓鱼我的大越野和我的小船船比车大一点都叫我虎哥,直接后面贴个老虎第三排座椅02年老车这个水平可以吧,没有任何PS侧面大圆屁股驾驶位内.
2004 Lexus LX 470 VIN: JTJHT00W443538183 for Sale - Cars & Bids
2024年12月6日 · This 2004 Lexus LX 470 VIN: JTJHT00W443538183 is for sale on Cars & Bids! 4.7-Liter V8, 4WD, Recent Major Service, Off-Road Modifications! Auction ends December 6 2024.
豪华舒适与越野性能的完美结合 — LEXUS雷克萨斯LX470首度亮相 …
在于4月21日至28日举行的第十一届上海国际汽车工业展览会上,世界知名豪华车品牌LEXUS雷克萨斯首度向中国公众展示了其顶级豪华SUV—LX470。 LX470兼俱无与伦比的豪华特性与充满个性的越野风格。 事实上,卓越的品质已使LX470获得众多荣誉和殊荣,包括:2004年在J.D. Power & Associates的美国新车质量调查中摘得顶级豪华SUV桂冠。 据悉,LX470将于2005年下半年登陆中国。 “即使在最恶劣的驾驶环境下,LX470都能够实现舒适的驾乘、灵敏的操控、自信的制动 …
RED WOLF Car Power Antenna Mast for 1998-2007 Lexus LX470, …
2019年8月13日 · RED WOLF Car Power Antenna Mast for 1998-2007 Lexus LX470, 1998-2008 Toyota Land Cruiser Aftermarket Aerial Antenna AM/FM Radio Reception Replace #86337-60151, 44 Inch Share:
- 评论数: 90
凌志LX470 - 百度百科
LX470秉持LEXUS 雷克萨斯 的完美品质标准,配备性能卓越的4.7升 V8发动机,在保证充沛动力、灵敏反应和宁静行驶的同时,也实现了出色的燃油效率和绿色排放。 LX470采用的5速电子控制 自动变速箱,可称变速箱设计上的重大改进。 顺畅平滑的换档为您增添许多驾驶乐趣。 置身四轮汽车最豪华的驾乘环境,您会认同LX470不愧是万众瞩目的焦点。 驾驶LX470,尽览世界奇景。 宽敞豪华的车内空间和先进周到的空调控制系统,自成一个舒适的独立世界。 从真皮座椅的精 …
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