15 Red Sea Slug Species | Discovering the Diversity, 2024
2024年1月22日 · Today we are going to talk about the red -colored sea slugs. Western Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, and The Red Sea. Bright red body with white stripes and white dots. …
Sea Slugs: Unexpected Biodiversity and Distribution
2015年1月1日 · The genus Asteronotus has a surprising story in the Red Sea: two cryptic species were formally described from the Indian Ocean and western Pacific in 2002; however, both …
Nudibranch Species Index - Emerald Diving
Red Nudibranch Dendronotus rufus Typical size: 4-10” length ID: White elongated body. Purple to red tipped branching cerata. Image location: Blakely Harbor, Puget Sound Comments: Another …
Sea Slugs: Unexpected Biodiversity and Distribution
2015年4月5日 · This is the fifth publication describing species of sea slug heterobranchs, originally based on collections from the Red Sea by the author on four expeditions carried out …
Washington Sea Slugs - Nudibranchs (and other marine ... - iNaturalist
Once you know how to start looking for sea slugs you start finding them everywhere! This guide endeavors to compile all sea slugs, nudibranch, and nudibranch adjacent species sighted in …
Sea slugs are marine gastropod molluscs which, through evolution, have lost their shells in the more advanced lin-eages. This loss of shell has been driven by an increase in active methods …
Sea slugs of the Red Sea | Request PDF - ResearchGate
2024年5月30日 · Originally described from the Red Sea, this species has been reported from numerous localities across the Indo-Pacific region, including South Africa, East Africa, …
Sea Slugs of the Red Sea - Academica Press
This book brings together, for the first time, all known information on the species of sea slugs of the Red Sea, belonging to 130 genera and 52 families. The contents include discussions on …
Sea slugs of the Red Sea | 16 | A ‘molecular’ update | Nathalie …
Since the last update and overview (Yonow 2015), the first molecular studies including Red Sea heterobranchs have finally been published. These studies have dealt with cryptic species …
The Red Sidegill Sea Slug - Whats That Fish!
The Red Sidegill Sea Slug is found in the Indo-West Pacific region growing up to 21cm in length. Found singly or in pairs, amongst rubble and sandy areas, of coral and rocky reefs. They feed …