Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed) - eBird
Learn about Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Dark-eyed junco - Wikipedia
The dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) is a species of junco, a group of small, grayish New World sparrows. The species is common across much of temperate North America and in summer it ranges far into the Arctic. It is a variable species, much like the related fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca), and its systematics are still not completely resolved.
Dark-eyed Junco - All About Birds
Dark-eyed Juncos are neat, even flashy little sparrows that flit about forest floors of the western mountains and Canada, then flood the rest of North America for winter. They’re easy to recognize by their crisp (though extremely variable) markings and the bright white tail feathers they habitually flash in flight.
Meet the Slate Colored Junco and Other Types of Juncos
2022年2月2日 · Red Backed Junco JAMES MUNDY Red backed junco. But just to the south, in the mountains of central Arizona and New Mexico, lives a bird that looks almost the same but with a bill at least half black. Called the red backed junco, it’s less migratory than most of its cousins, generally staying in the same mountain forests during all seasons.
Dark-eyed Junco | Audubon Field Guide - National Audubon …
"Red-backed Junco" is resident in mountains of northern Arizona and New Mexico, seldom moves far from nesting areas. Gray sides and reddish back like "Gray-headed," but has pale throat, mostly dark bill. Ringing metallic trill on the same pitch. Members of a flock may spread out widely, keeping in contact by constantly calling tsick or tchet.
Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed) - eBird
下載超過3000種鳥的免費辨識資訊。 學習 Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed): 探索由全球各地鳥人蒐集的照片、錄音和觀察記錄。
Identification of Dark-eyed Junco Subspecies - Flocking Around
2024年8月5日 · The Gray-headed Junco is a breeder from the Rocky Mountains, and the Red-backed Junco is a resident of the mountains of the desert southwest (Texas to Arizona). There is a quick and easy trick to identify these two Dark-eyed Junco subspecies from each other.
Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed) - Birds of North America
The Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed) is another sub-species of the Dark-eyed Junco. This mountain bird can be found along the New Mexico, Arizona and Mexican borders. It has recently been identified as another race of the Dark-eyed Junco.
9 Types of Junco Birds & How to Identify the Dark Eyed Junco
2024年10月23日 · Red-backed juncos are a subspecies of the dark-eyed junco. Their dark eyes, white outer tail feathers, dark two-toned beaks, and slate gray heads help separate them from similar bird species. They have reddish-brown backs, light gray throats, and a black mask.
DARK-EYED JUNCO | The Texas Breeding Bird Atlas - Texas …
Dark-eyed Junco is an uncommon to abundant migrant and winter resident across the northern two-thirds of Texas. The Red-backed form is a common breeder (within its lmited habitat) at the upper elevations in the Guadalupe Mountains and an uncommon and local winter resident elsewhere in the Trans-Pecos region (Lockwood and Freeman 2004).