Try Redis Cloud with a Free Account - Redis
It's easy to get started with Redis. Try it free in the cloud, or download the software to try it free in your datacenter. Stop testing, start deploying your AI apps.
Redis Community Edition is free
Explore Redis Community Edition—a high-performance, in-memory data store and learn how to start building faster apps for free. Stop testing, start deploying your AI apps. See how with MIT Technology Review’s latest research.
Redis - The Real-time Data Platform
Use Redis as your NoSQL database to build fast, reliable apps that make five-9s uptime look easy.
Downloads - Redis
Download Redis Unstable build. Latest stable release. The latest stable release is always available at the fixed https://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz URL along with its SHA-256 sum. Redis 7.0. Redis 7.0 includes several new user-facing features, significant performance optimizations, and many other improvements.
Redis FAQ - Redis
Redis FAQs include how many Redis databases you can have, if Redis is free, and more. Stop testing, start deploying your AI apps. See how with MIT Technology Review’s latest research.
Redis Cloud Pricing | Redis
Redis Cloud offers competitive fixed and flexible pricing options, perfect for any dataset size, throughput, or number of databases.
Community Edition | Docs
Get started with Redis Cloud by creating a database: The Redis Cloud quick start helps you create a free database. (Start here if you're new.) Create an Essentials database with a memory limit up to 12 GB. Create a Pro database that suits your workload and offers seamless scaling. Install a Redis Enterprise Software cluster:
Install Redis | Docs
While you can install Redis on any of the platforms listed below, you might also consider using Redis Cloud by creating a free account. Install Redis. How you install Redis depends on your operating system and whether you'd like to install it bundled with Redis Stack and Redis UI. See the guide below that best fits your needs: Install Redis on ...
Redis Insight
Redis Insight is our free graphical interface for analyzing Redis data across all operating systems and Redis deployments with the help of our AI assistant, Redis Copilot.
Landing Page - Try1 - Redis
Get started with Redis Cloud. Creating your first database is easy. See what it takes to get up and running.