Red's Dream - Wikipedia
Red's Dream is a 1987 American animated short film written and directed by John Lasseter and produced by Pixar. The short film, which runs four minutes, stars Red, a unicycle. Propped up in the corner of a bicycle store on a rainy night, Red dreams of a fantasy where it …
Tal'darim - StarCraft Wiki | Fandom
Tal'darim warriors wield bane blades, ancient red psionic blades that draw power from the Void. [6] The Tal'darim have a brutal and war-like society, and all members adhere to a Chain of Ascension. This chain determines who is in command of the society, and is ruled by a Highlord.
红色的梦 Red's Dream (1987) - 豆瓣电影
1987年7月6日 · 《红色的梦》( Red's Dream),是Pixar1987年制作的短片。 独轮车的梦,有点悲伤。 短片《Red's Dream》获得旧金山国际电影节电脑综合影像奖以及奥地利Prix Ars Elcetronica电影节的金尼卡斯奖。
独轮车的梦想 - 百度百科
瑞德(Red)是一个躲在角落里半价销售的独轮车。 他梦想着有一天能有一个阔气的主人,或是可以在展示会上表演。 但是梦想终归是梦想,瑞德依旧得在角落里等待未知的将来……
Nerazim Destructor 奈拉齐姆破坏者,没看出是什么。 Nerazim Signifier 指示者,奈拉齐姆的HT,灵能风暴外加减速。 被砍了之后就被红球取代了。 Nerazim Ark Shuttle 直译就是“方舟”这是什么烧饼? Nerazim Interceptor 奈拉齐姆拦截机,就是航母放出的那八个苍蝇。 Nerazim Sentinel Portrait 不解释了。 那五个奈拉齐姆的头像就不解释了。 Tal'darim Phoenix Hero 这东西之前在哪见过,但我想不起来了。 Tal'darim Brood War Carrier 塔达林母巢之战版航母,满满的SC1造 …
Red's Dream | Pixar Wiki | Fandom
Red's Dream is a 1987 Pixar short film. The film is about a red unicycle named Red, who dreams of becoming the star in a circus act. In his dream, a clown called Lumpy is seen riding Red and juggling. He almost drops one of the balls, but Red bounces it with …
Red's Dream — Pixar Animation Studios
Life as the sole sale item in the clearance corner of Eben's Bikes can get lonely. So Red, a unicycle, dreams up a clown owner and his own juggling act that steals the show. But all too soon, the applause turns into the sound of rainfall as reality rushes back. Red must resign himself to sitting in the corner and await his fate.
Pixar - Red's Dream HD (1987) - YouTube
2018年7月2日 · Red's Dream is a 1987 American computer-animated short film produced by Pixar and directed by John Lasseter. The short film, which runs four minutes, stars R...
Red's Dream (Short 1987) - IMDb
Red's Dream: Directed by John Lasseter. With a sale tag hanging from his seat, propped up in the corner of a bicycle store on a rainy night, Red the unicycle dreams about a better place.
Red's Dream | Disney Wiki | Fandom
Red's Dream is a 1987 computer-animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. On a rainy night in the city, Red, a unicycle sitting in the clearance corner of a bike shop, begins to dream. Inside its dream, it is being ridden by a clown named Lumpy.