Reset your PC - Microsoft Support
Also known as Refresh, this option reinstalls Windows while keeping your personal files intact. It removes apps and settings but preserves your documents, photos, and other personal data.
Recovery options in Windows - Microsoft Support
Learn about the recovery options in Windows. Find out how to reset your PC, go back to a previous version of Windows, or use media to reinstall Windows.
Change the refresh rate on your monitor in Windows
To change the refresh rate. Select Start > Settings > System > Display > Advanced display . Next to Choose a refresh rate, select the rate you want. The refresh rates that appear depend on your display and what it supports. Select laptops and external displays will support higher refresh rates.
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows - Microsoft Support
Use the following keyboard shortcuts to efficiently open, close, navigate, and do other tasks across the Windows desktop environment. For keyboard shortcuts related to the Windows taskbar, see Taskbar shortcuts .
Reinstall Windows with the installation media - Microsoft Support
The Windows 11 Setup starts once the device boots from the Windows installation media.If you don't see the setup screen, your PC might not be set up to boot from a drive. Check your PC manufacturer's website for info on how to change your PC's boot order and then try again.
My chat messages aren't loading in Microsoft Teams
Restart Teams to force a refresh. On Windows, navigate to your Taskbar and look for the Microsoft Teams icon. Right-click the icon and choose Quit. This will force the Teams app to quit. When it restarts, you should see your latest messages again. On a Mac, force quit the Teams app by using the following keyboard shortcut: Option, Command, Esc.
Troubleshooting black or blank screens in Windows
If your computer is showing a black or blank screen in Windows, these troubleshooting tips could help get your system back up and running.
Create installation media for Windows - Microsoft Support
Go to the Download Windows 11 site.. Under Create Windows 11 Installation Media, select Download Now.The MediaCreationTool.exe tool is downloaded.. Run MediaCreationTool.exe.The media creation tool walks through creating installation media.
Refresh an external data connection in Excel - Microsoft Support
On the Data tab, in the Connections group, click Refresh All, and then click Connection Properties. Click the Usage tab. Under Refresh control, select the Refresh data when opening the file check box.
Save and refresh documents - Microsoft Support
Save and refresh documents Applies To Word for Microsoft 365 Word 2024 Word 2021 Word 2019 Word 2016 The co-authoring functionality in Office now makes it possible for multiple users to work productively on the same document without intruding on …