2025 Guide to the Regulation (REG) Section of the CPA Exam
2024年10月13日 · Regulation (REG) Section of The CPA Exam – Format. Exam Time Limit: 4 hours ; Multiple Choice Test: 76 Questions, 50% of total score ; Task Based Simulations (TBSs): 8 TBSs, 50% of total score ; Test Segment #1: 38 MCQs ; Test Segment #2: 38 MCQs ; Test Segment #3: 2 TBSs ; Test Segment #4: 3 TBSs ; Test Segment #5: 3 TBSs ; …
REG CPA Exam 2025: Format, Content & Study Tips - UWorld …
The REG exam is composed of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and task-based simulations (TBSs). Each testlet contains questions from only one of these question types: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) - The first 2 testlets on the REG Exam consist of …
【新試験対応!徹底暗記で勝負!】USCPA REG 勉強方法 by …
2025年1月25日 · REGにおいて特徴的なのは、 REG1(ビジネスロー)は出題数が少なく、基本的にはMC問題でしか出題されない ということです(ごくまれにTBSでも出題されることもあるそうです)。 ですので、REG1は、基本的にはMC問題のRank Aだけに取り組む形で問題ありません。 ただ、近年出題が増えていますので、余裕があればRank Bにも取り組んでおきましょう。 そして必然的にREG2(税法)が多く出題されるため、REG2に注力することが合格に直 …
CPA REG Exam Section: Guide to Regulation [New Tax Law Info!]
The REG CPA Exam section is one of four you must pass in order to earn the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification. To prepare to pass the CPA REG exam, you must know all about the content, pass rates, questions, format, difficulty, structure, timing, and more.
Comprehensive Guide to the REG CPA Exam - Becker
2024年5月6日 · The REG CPA Exam is a four-hour exam comprised of 72 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and eight task-based simulations (TBSs). The questions and simulations are split up into a total of five exam sections called “testlets.”
REG CPA Exam Section: Full Guide to Format, Structure, & Content
Task-Based Simulations (TBS): These make up the remaining 50% of the score and include eight simulations across three testlets. These simulations assess the candidate’s ability to apply tax rules and business law concepts to practical scenarios.
What TBS’s should I study the most for REG? : r/CPA - Reddit
2020年11月5日 · What TBS’s should I study the most for REG? I’m assuming I need to keep grinding basis, because it seems like you’re guaranteed to have at least 1 SIM on it. But what other topics are frequently tested on for SIMS? (Using Becker) Know the 1040 and schedule C separately stated items vs included in ordinary income. Basisssss.
CPA Exam Task-Based Simulations [Guide to Mastering TBS]
The CPA Exam is a rigorous assessment designed to test the technical knowledge and problem-solving abilities of future certified public accountants. Task-Based Simulations (TBS) play a significant role in this process, accounting for 50% of the total score in three exam sections (AUD, FAR, and REG) and 35% in BEC.
What kind of TBS should I expect to see on Reg? : r/CPA - Reddit
2022年8月29日 · I am doing solid on the MC but I have no clue when it comes to the tbs. I am using Becker and test in about 2 weeks (little less)z
REG CPA Exam Section: How to Pass - Gleim Exam Prep
The REG CPA Exam section consists of five testlets: two testlets of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and three testlets of task-based simulations (TBSs). The MCQ portion of REG accounts for 50% of your CPA Exam score, and the TBS portion accounts for the other 50%.