Regino of Prüm - Wikipedia
Regino of Prüm or of Prum (Latin: Regino Prumiensis, German: Regino von Prüm; died 915 AD) was a Benedictine monk, who served as abbot of Prüm (892–99) and later of Saint Martin's at Trier, and chronicler, whose Chronicon is an important source for late Carolingian history.
Regino Von Prüm | German, Monasticism, Historian | Britannica
Regino Von Prüm was a cleric and chronicler who composed several ecclesiastical works and a chronicle covering the period from Christ’s birth to the early 10th century. Born to a noble family, Regino joined the Benedictine monastic order at the flourishing Abbey of …
Regino of Prum and his Chronicon - Research Councils UK
2025年1月9日 · This research project takes as its subject the last great work of Carolingian history: the Chronicon, completed in 908 at Trier by Regina, exiled abbot of Prum in the Ardennes. This is a work of exceptional interest for an historian of the period.
Reginonis abbatis prumiensis Chronicon, cum continuatione …
2008年6月18日 · Reginonis abbatis prumiensis Chronicon, cum continuatione treverensi. Recognovit Fridericus Kurze. With: Richeri Historiarum libri IIII ... / Richer of Saint Rémy. Hannoverae : Impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani, 1877.
According to the statements of a later era Regino was the son of noble parents and was born at the stronghold of Altrip on the Rhine near Speyer. Nothing is known concerning his life until he was elected abbot of Prüm in 892.
Regino of Prüm, Collection of - Encyclopedia.com
REGINO OF PR Ü M, COLLECTION OF. Regino was born about 840 probably in Altrip, near Speyer. He entered the monastery of Pr ü m in the Eifel (Rhine mountains); was elected abbot after the abdication of Abbot Farabert in 892; resigned in 899; and was appointed abbot of St. Martin's in Trier on the initiative of Abp. Ratbod of Trier. He died ...
Regino von Prüm – Wikipedia
Regino von Prüm (* um 840 wahrscheinlich in Altrip bei Ludwigshafen am Rhein; † 915 in Trier) war ein Musiktheoretiker, Kanonist und Geschichtsschreiber. Er war von 892 bis 899 der siebte Abt der Abtei Prüm und musste sich besonders mit dem Wiederaufbau der Abtei nach den Zerstörungen durch die Normannen befassen.
Reginon de Prüm (842-915) - musicologie
2023年10月22日 · Né à Altrip (Spire) en 842 ; mort à Trêves en 915. A bbé de l'abbaye de Prüm de 892 à 899, il en est chassé. Il est ensuite abbé du couvent de Saint-Martin à Trèves. Il dénonce la sorcellerie, est l'auteur d'une chronique allant du début de …
Insinuation, Censorship and the Struggle for Late Carolingian ...
2009年1月13日 · Regino of Prüm's Chronicle, completed in the year 908, is one of the most important narrative sources for the history of the later Carolingian Empire, and contains the best contemporary account of its collapse in 888. Regino was not a detached observer of events, but a political actor whose career was profoundly affected by the turbulence of ...
Regino of Prüm - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online
According to the statements of a later era Regino was the son of noble parents and was born at the stronghold of Altrip on the Rhine near Speyer. Nothing is known concerning his life until he was elected abbot of Prüm in 892.