NFkB 通路 | Cell Signaling Technology
IκB 磷酸化导致其自身泛素化以及蛋白酶体降解,释放 NF-κB/Rel 复合体。 活性 NF-κB/Rel 复合体进一步由翻译后修饰(磷酸化、乙酰化、糖基化)作用激活,并转运入胞核,在核内单独或联合其他转录因子,包括 AP-1、Ets 和 Stat,并共同诱导靶标基因表达。
Pathway干货 | NF-Kb 信号通路简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NF-kB信号通路. NF-kB在细胞因子诱导的基因表达中起关键性的调控作用,它调控的基因编码急性期反应蛋白、细胞因子、细胞粘附分子、免疫调节分子、病毒瘤基因、生长因子、转录和生长调控因子等。
NF-kB signaling | Abcam
非经典 NF-κB 激活途径包括 p52 前体和 p100 的磷酸化、将二者加工为成熟蛋白以及 RelB:p52 异源二聚体转移至细胞核并激活靶标基因。 该途径涉及的 IKK 复合物由两个 IKKα 亚基组成,不含 NEMO。
NF-κB:又一个枢纽与焦点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
构成这种二聚体的单肽蛋白质发现了五种,它们分别是P50(又叫NF-κB1)、p52(又叫NF-κB2)、RelA(又叫p65)、RelB和c-Rel,这五种蛋白质每个都可以同源二聚,也可以两两之间进行异源地二聚,并且这五种蛋白质在它们肽链上,都有一个包含了从游离氨基端开始数 ...
信号通路是什么鬼?先给你们讲讲难啃的 NF-κB 信号通路…… - 知乎
哺乳动物 NF-κB 家族由五种成员组成: RelA/p65 、 c-Rel 、 RelB 、 p50 (NF-κB1) 和 p52 (NF-κB2),它们可以形成各种异源二聚体或者同源二聚体 (如常见 p50/RelA 异源二聚体),并通过与启动子的 κB 位点结合来激活大量基因。
REL Gene - GeneCards | REL Protein | REL Antibody
2024年12月25日 · REL (REL Proto-Oncogene, NF-KB Subunit) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with REL include Immunodeficiency 92 and Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Dominant 6. Among its related pathways are Immune response NFAT in immune response and IL-1 Family Signaling Pathways.
NF-κB subunits direct kinetically distinct transcriptional cascades …
2023年7月31日 · Here we used time-dependent multi-omics to investigate the selective functions of Rel and RelA, two closely related NF-κB proteins, in primary B lymphocytes activated via the B cell receptor....
Activators and target genes of Rel/NF-κB transcription factors
1999年11月22日 · In most cells, Rel/NF-κB transcription complexes are present in a latent, inactive state in the cytoplasm where they are bound to an inhibitor (IκB). As described below, many stimuli can...
NF-kB Transcription Factors - Boston University
Rel or NF-kappaB (NF-kB) proteins comprise a family of structurally-related eukaryotic transcription factors that are involved in the control of a large number of normal cellular and organismal processes, such as immune and inflammatory responses, developmental processes, cellular growth, and apoptosis.
Shaping the nuclear action of NF-κB - Nature
2004年5月1日 · Classical NF-κB activation involves stimulus-coupled phosphorylation of cytoplasmic IκB inhibitors by IκB kinases (IKK). The IκB inhibitors are targeted to the 26S proteasome allowing the...