J850™ Prime 3D Printer - Stratasys
Built for designers and engineers, the J850™ Prime is the most versatile full-color 3D printer on the market. From concept models to functional parts, enjoy over 600,000 unique colors, realistic textures, flexible and transparent materials, and a click-and-print workflow to speed you through the design process. Bring products to market faster.
J850™ Pro Multimaterial 3D Printer - Stratasys
The J850™ Pro is an affordable, versatile 3D printer, perfect for early concept and rapid prototyping. Multiple print modes: Adjust the speed and quality of the print to meet your specific needs, from rapid prototyping to realistic models.
全新上线!J850™ 3D 打印机 - Stratasys官网
2019年10月25日 · 昨日, Stratasys 就针对设计领域,专门为设计师制作了一款新型 3D打印 机— Stratasys J850™ 3D 打印机。 在使用传统方法制作单个原型所需的时间内,使用 Stratasys J850 3d打印机 可以制作出五倍以上设计迭代产品。 在过去,设计师都是通过设计图纸或效果图与客户沟通,因没有直观的模型往往无法向客户准确的传达设计理念及效果,双方容易出现评估误差,从而造成设计师反复修改图纸,甚至是日后返工费时费工费料。 即使后来出现一些建模服务机 …
专为工程模型而生,全新PolyJet J850 Pro 3D打印机现已上市
2021年2月3日 · 兼具速度、准确性和可重复性,J850 Pro将成为当今设计工程应用中功能最全的快速原型制作解决方案,可以凭借灵活的内部可视化系统进行设计验证,快速、轻松地满足工程用户的各种业务需求。
- [PDF]
超越基础 - Stratasys官网
J850 Pro 兼具速度、准确性和可重复性,是当今设计工 程应用中功能最全的快速原型制作解决方案。可以凭借 灵活的内部系统可视化并验证设计,快速、轻松地满足 业务需求。 快速确认形状和匹 配度 件的纹原型 5 6
J850™ Prime 3D Printer - Select Additive Technologies
The J850™ Prime is a versatile PolyJet™ 3D printer, perfect for full-color prototyping or multi-material models. Range of materials: Create glass-like models, flexible parts, vibrant Pantone-validated prototypes or super-fast low-concept prints.
This user guide provides instructions for installing, operating and maintaining Stratasys J850/J835 3D printing systems. It explains how to use features, and provides practical examples to guide you as you use the system.
J850 Pro 3D打印机_普立得科技有限公司
J850 Pro兼具速度、准确性和可重复性,是当今设计工程应用中功能最全的快速原型制作解决方案。 可以凭借灵活的内部系统可视化并验证设计,快速、轻松地满足业务需求。
STRATASYS J850 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Stratasys J850 user manual online. J850 3d printers pdf manual download. Also for: J835.
Stratasys J850 Prime | FDM 3D Printers | R&D Technologies
The Stratasys J850™ 3D printer offer full-color capability, texture mapping, and color gradients for creating realistic prototypes in less time without painting or assembly. The printers’ vast array of colors and material properties eliminate the need for multiple processes, and the GrabCAD Print™ software allows for a seamless printing ...