Rem Krassilnikov - Wikipedia
Major General Rem Krassilnikov (Krasilnikov, Russian: Рэм Сергеевич Красильников, (1927 - 2003) was a counter-intelligence officer of the Soviet Union's State Security Committee .
Rem Krassilnikov, Russian Bane of C.I.A., Dies at 76
2003年3月24日 · Rem Krassilnikov, a legendary figure within the K.G.B. who was in charge of the investigations and arrests of the American spies betrayed by Aldrich H. Ames, Robert P. Hanssen and...
Rem Krasilnikov - The Economist
2003年4月3日 · Rem Krasilnikov, Soviet spycatcher, died on March 16th, aged 76. IT WAS a good name, was Rem, for a loyal servant of the Soviet Union to have, an acronym of mirovaya revolyutsiya, or “world...
The New Spy Wars - The Belfer Center for Science and …
The founding father of the FSB, Rem Krassilnikov, was also a former KGB officer and communist true believer; his wife was named Ninel, which is Lenin spelled backward. According to an FSB defector who worked under Krassilnikov in the 1990s, the FSB used the same training manuals as the KGB, but with the ideological sections about communism ...
Rem Krassilnikov KGB General ... - The Washington Post
2003年3月29日 · Rem Krassilnikov, 76, a retired KGB major general who, before his retirement in 1992, spent the 1980s as an immensely successful head of the Soviet intelligence service's counterintelligence...
Krassilnikov, Bane of The CIA, Dead at 76 - The Moscow Times
2003年3月25日 · NEW YORK -- Rem Krassilnikov, a legendary figure within the KGB who was in charge of the investigations and arrests of the American spies betrayed by Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen and other moles...
Rem Krassilnikov — Wikipédia
Rem Sergueïevitch Krassilnikov (en russe : Рэм Сергеевич Красильников ; 1927 - mars 2003) est un ancien général du KGB. Son prénom (Rem) est formé des initiales de REvolutsija Mirovaja (« révolution mondiale »). Beaucoup de parents russes ont donné ce nom à leur progéniture pendant l'époque soviétique de l' URSS.
REM KRASSILNIKOV, 76 - Chicago Tribune
2003年3月26日 · Rem Krassilnikov, a legendary figure within the KGB who was in charge of the investigations and arrests of the American spies betrayed by Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen and other moles in the...
Hunter for double agents-moles - Rem Sergeevich Krasilnikov
2012年3月26日 · Now we can say that Rem Sergeevich Krasilnikov, from 1972 to 1992 year, who headed the counterintelligence department in counterintelligence of the special services, and his subordinates, achieved the greatest success in exposing and apprehending secret intelligence agents in the Soviet Union.
About: Rem Krassilnikov - DBpedia Association
Major General Rem Krassilnikov (Krasilnikov, Russian: Рэм Сергеевич Красильников, (1927 - 2003) was a counter-intelligence officer of the Soviet Union's State Security Committee (KGB). Krasilnikov was born in the family of a senior intelligence officer.