Remora - Wikipedia
The remora (/ ˈ r ɛ m ə r ə /), sometimes called suckerfish or sharksucker, is any of a family (Echeneidae) of ray-finned fish in the order Carangiformes. [4] Depending on species, they grow to 30–110 cm (12–43 in) long.
实验技巧 | RNA-FISH不难,一起拨开云雾见月明 - 知乎
荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)是一种利用荧光标记的核酸片段为探针,与组织、细胞或染色体上待测DNA或RNA互补配对,结合成专一的核酸杂交分子,通过荧光检测系统将待测核酸在组织、细胞或染色体中的位置显示出来的技术。
Raja (fish) - Wikipedia
Raja are flat-bodied, cartilaginous fish with a rhombic shapes due to their large pectoral fins extending from or near from the snouts to the bases of their tails. Their sharp snouts are produced by a cranial projection of rostral cartilage. The mouth and gills are …
红鲷鱼 - 百度百科
红鲷鱼是鲈形目鲷科真鲷属鱼类, [3] 又称真鲷、加吉鱼、铜盆鱼。 [4] 体侧扁,呈长椭圆形;背面隆起,腹面平钝;头大,口小而低;体披中等大小的栉鳞;侧线完全,成弧形与背缘平行;背鳍连续状,鳍棘强大有9—10枚;尾鳍呈叉形。 体色淡红,体侧有稀疏的蓝绿色斑点,尾鳍边缘淡黑色,产卵期色彩鲜艳。 [5] 寿命可达30多年。 [7] 红鲷鱼主要分布于北太平洋西部,也分布于朝鲜半岛、日本、夏威夷、菲律宾、印度及澳大利亚沿海。 在中国见于渤海、黄海、东海和南海。 [6] …
Arapaima - Wikipedia
Arapaima is the type genus of the subfamily Arapaiminae within the family Osteoglossidae. [1][2][3] They are among the world's largest freshwater fish, reaching as much as 3 m (9.8 ft) in length. [2] . They are an important food fish. They have declined in the native range due to overfishing and habitat loss.
Single-cell RNA sequencing illuminates the ontogeny ... - Nature
2024年9月3日 · Here, we present a single-cell RNA sequencing atlas of immune cells from cartilaginous (white-spotted bamboo shark) and bony (zebrafish and Chinese tongue sole) fishes. Cross-species comparisons...
RENJA S.r.l. - interfishmarket.com
RENJA S.r.l. via Atto Vannucci 7/2 Sc. C Genova Italia Tel: +0 (39-10) 593131 Fax: +0 (39-10) 589527 Latest post from IFM community Mekong Seafood Connection Pangasius fillet - High quality from Vietnam - Porter Le Selling proposal Fri 15/3/2024 04.54. VIETNAM PANGASIUS ...
Renja took us out in her boat on this beautiful afternoon. - Threads
Cheryl J. Fish (@cheryljoyfish). Renja took us out in her boat on this beautiful afternoon.
Renja 的含义、起源、发音和受欢迎程度 - NamesLook
2024年7月5日 · Renja 经常链接到 Ren, 其含义是 Raven, Benevolent, Edge of a Knife, Tough, Lotus, Water Lily. The name Renja 是 often used as a 女性 名字 and is mostly used as a 名字. Renja 是 发现于 Finland, Malaysia, Switzerland , 和 14 更多国家.
Tang Renjian, China’s top fisheries official, under investigation for ...
2024年5月24日 · China Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister Tang Renjian, who has overseen China’s fisheries sector since 2021, is under investigation for alleged graft.