Reproductive toxicants are allocated to one of two categories: Category 1 (1A or 1B) or 2. Within each category, effects on sexual function and fertility, and on development, are considered separately.
Regulation - 1272/2008 - EN - clp regulation - EUR-Lex
2025年1月2日 · Replacement of CELEX identifiers by short titles - experimental feature. It replaces clickable CELEX identifiers of treaties and case-law by short titles. Visualisation of document relationships. It displays a dynamic graph with relations between the act and related documents. It is currently only available for legal acts. Deep linking.
Online mixture classification calculator
The mixture is classified as a reproductive toxicant if at least one ingredient is classified as a Category 1A, Category 1B or Category 2 reproductive toxicant and is present at or above the appropriate generic concentration limit as shown in Table 3.7.2 of Annex I to CLP for Category 1A, Category 1B and Category 2 respectively.
CLP, 3.7.2., Classification criteria for substances :: ReachOnline
Substances are classified in Category 2 for reproductive toxicity when there is some evidence from humans or experimental animals, possibly supplemented with other information, of an adverse effect on sexual function and fertility, or on development, and where the evidence is not sufficiently convincing to place the substance in Category 1.
欧盟CMR专题介绍 | 南京瑞旭_值得您信任的全球环境法规咨询及合 …
2018年3月14日 · CMR即Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and Reprotoxic substances的缩写,是指致癌、致畸(致突变)、生殖毒性的物质。 CMR物质并非一两个物质,通常是指一类物质。 根据欧盟CLP法规(Regulation 1272/2008)的定义,CMR物质分别是指如下物质: 致癌物(C):是指诱发癌症或能增加其发病率的物质或混合物。 癌症是一种疾病,其特征在于改变的细胞会不受 控地生长并且具有从原始位点迁移并扩散到身体不同部位的能力。 致畸(致突变)物(M):突变 …
GHS Classification Criteria for Reproductive Toxicity
2018年4月9日 · Reproductive toxicity refers to adverse effects of a chemical substance/mixture on sexual function and fertility in adult males and females, as well as developmental toxicity in the offspring. Developmental toxicity pertains to adverse toxic effects to …
英国暂缓对锂物质的强制生殖毒性分类与标签 - 欧盟REACH法规
2023年9月7日 · HSE 认为现有可用数据更支持将其分类为 Repr. 2; H361f (疑似有损害生育能力的可能)。 根据《英国化学品分类、标签和包装法规》(GB CLP)第 37A 条款,当 HSE 认为风险评估委员会(RAC)意见中的证据不支持分类结果,或者有额外信息,或者不认同 RAC 的意见 …
欧盟CMR物质清单|CMR物质|CLP法规|REACH法规附录XVII| …
CMR指致癌、致畸(致突变)、生殖毒性的物质。 根据CLP法规,CMR物质被分为三类,即1A类,1B类和2类。 欧盟REACH法规附录XVII中的第28、29和30项规定,任何人禁止(规定了特定的浓度范围)向市场投放和使用,或向公众供应被分类为1A或1B类的CMR物质。
CLP, 1.1.2., Information related to the classification and labelling of ...
The classification for each entry is based on the criteria set out in Annex I, in accordance with Article 13 (a) and is presented in the form of a code representing the hazard class and the …
Online mixture classification calculator - mixclass.net
Classification sub-category 'Repr. 1A' is more severe than 'Repr. 1B' and 'Repr. 2', therefore, mixture is classified as 'Repr. 1A'. Mixture is also classified as 'Lact.'.
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