Reptile - Wikipedia
Reptiles, as commonly defined, are a group of tetrapods with an ectothermic ('cold-blooded') metabolism and amniotic development. Living traditional reptiles comprise four orders: Testudines (turtles), Crocodilia (crocodilians), Squamata (lizards …
爬行动物 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
爬行綱 (学名: Reptilia),也稱 爬行動物 、 爬行類 或 爬蟲類,是 脊椎动物亚门 四足总纲 下的一个 纲,泛指不包括 鸟类 在内的所有 蜥形纲 羊膜動物,因此属于一个 并系群,包括所有 现生 的 龟类 、 蛇类 、 蜥蜴类 、 鳄类 以及已 灭绝 的 副爬行动物 、 恐龙 、 翼龙 和 中生代海爬 等史前物种。 截至2023年10月,已发现的爬行动物超过12000种 [1]。 爬行纲在过去傳統的 生物分类法 下还包含了史前的“ 似哺乳爬行动物 ”(其实是属于羊膜动物另一 演化支 —— 合弓纲 的 兽孔 …
Reptile | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
2025年1月13日 · A reptile is any member of the class Reptilia, the group of air-breathing vertebrates that have internal fertilization, amniotic development, and epidermal scales covering part or all of their body. The major groups of living reptiles are …
Reptile (2023) - IMDb
Reptile: Directed by Grant Singer. With Benicio Del Toro, Justin Timberlake, Eric Bogosian, Alicia Silverstone. Tom Nichols is a hardened New England detective, unflinching in his pursuit of a case where nothing is as it seems and it begins to dismantle the illusions in his own life.
Reptile Pictures & Facts - National Geographic
Reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates covered in special skin made up of scales, bony plates, or a combination of both. They include crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and tor-...
REPTILE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
REPTILE翻译:爬行动物。 了解更多。
Reptiles – Definition, Examples, Characteristics - Science Notes and ...
2024年3月2日 · What Is a Reptile? Definition. Reptiles are cold-blooded, scaly vertebrates that belong to the class Reptilia. They are distinguished from other vertebrates by specific physical and physiological traits. While mammals and birds are warm-blooded, reptiles rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature.
List Of Reptiles With Pictures & Facts: Examples Of Reptile Species
2021年9月13日 · Reptiles are animals in the class Reptilia. Unlike most amphibians, reptiles evolved the ability to complete their life cycle away from water, giving them an advantage that allowed them to thrive in a wider range of habitats. All …
Reptile - Definition, List, Types, Characteristics, Habitat, & Pictures
2025年1月7日 · Reptiles are cold-blooded (ectothermic) vertebrates of the class Reptilia, which includes turtles, crocodilians, lizards, and snakes. They use their four limbs (tetrapods) for locomotion and reproduce by laying amniotic eggs, in which the embryo is suspended in amniotic fluid and covered by an amniotic sac to prevent desiccation.
Reptiles - Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife
Reptiles (formerly Class Reptilia) include about 3,700 kinds of lizards, 2,300 snakes, and 240 turtles and tortoises worldwide. Snakes and lizards (Class Lepidosauromorpha) are now recognized as biologically distinct from turtles (Class Testudines) and have been placed in completely separate groups.