Large‐Area Bilayer ReS2 Film/Multilayer ReS2 Flakes Synthesized …
2016年4月18日 · As a new appearing 2D transition metal dichalcogenide, the studies on synthesis method via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is still rare. Here a systematically study on the CVD growth of continuous bilayer ReS 2 film and single crystalline hexagonal ReS 2 flake, as well as their corresponding optoelectronic properties is reported.
Large-Area CVD-Grown Sub-2 V ReS2 Transistors and Logic Gates
We demonstrated the fabrication of large-area ReS 2 transistors and logic gates composed of a chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown multilayer ReS 2 semiconductor channel and graphene electrodes. Single-layer graphene was used as the source/drain and coplanar gate electrodes.
Direct synthesis and in situ characterization of monolayer ...
2018年3月22日 · Herein, we demonstrate direct synthesis of high-quality monolayer ReSe 2 single crystals on a gold foil substrate via an ambient-pressure CVD (APCVD) route based on a surface self-limited growth...
Wood-derived electrode supporting CVD-grown ReS2 for efficient …
2020年9月16日 · In this work, we propose that a wood-derived carbon framework is used as a working electrode supporting CVD-grown ReS2 nanosheets in electrocatalytic HER. The optimal HER electrode with unique pore-through structure exhibits effective electrochemical surface area of 521 cmECSA2 and outstanding stability over 11 h.
Lead ions detection using CVD-grown ReS2-FET with the …
2024年7月15日 · In this study, we utilize a CVD-grown ReS 2-FET for real-time detection of Pb 2+ in aqueous solutions, aided by the HfO 2 passivation layer. For the sensor platform, we opted for a reference electrode-free transistor configuration for seamless integration into various electronics and portable units.
Synthesis of a large area ReS2 thin film by CVD for in-depth ...
The anisotropic crystal structure and layer independent electrical and optical properties of ReS2 make it unique among other two-dimensional materials (2DMs), emphasizing a special need for its synthesis. This work discusses the synthesis and in-depth characterization of a 1 × 1 cm2 large and few layered ReS
Controllable growth of large-area atomically thin ReS2 films and …
Here, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of the substrate-scale continuous ReS2 film with an atomic thickness and spatial uniformity, as well as its thickness-dependent optoelectronic properties, was reported.
CVD-growth and optoelectronic characterization of 2D MoS2/ReS2 …
2023年8月24日 · Herein, we report on the demonstration of two kinds of 2D MoS 2 /ReS 2 -based vertical HSs by altering the Re-based precursors during the one-step CVD process. The related interlayer excitons, interlayer coupling interaction, and charge separation are elucidated by Raman-photoluminescence spectroscopy and photoresponse measurement.
通过 CVD 合成大面积 ReS2 薄膜,深入研究电阻开关:金属电极 …
ReS 2的各向异性晶体结构和层独立的电学和光学特性使其在其他二维材料 (2DM) 中独一无二,强调了其合成的特殊需要。 这项工作讨论了 1 × 1 cm 2大且少层的 ReS 2薄膜的合成和深入表征。 从拉曼和光致发光 (PL) 光谱中观察到的振动模式和激子峰证实了带隙为 1.26 eV 的 ReS 2薄膜的形成。 高分辨率透射电子显微镜 (HRTEM) 图像和选区电子衍射 (SAED) 图案推断出薄膜的多晶性质,而横截面场发射扫描电子显微镜 (FESEM) 显示厚度约为 10 nm 的平面生长。 通过X射线 …
低共熔体辅助外延生长大面积、高质量单层二硫化铼(ReS2-公司 …
利用CVD生长所得ReS2制备的场效应晶体电流管开关比达106,室温电子迁移率在b轴和a轴方向分别为4.01和1.32 cm2V-1s-1,显示出了优异的电学各向异性性质。