Resilio Sync | 全平台多设备文件同步/传输终极产品 - 知乎
而Resilio Sync正是替你简化了输入和输出两部分,让你更专注于如何充分利用已有设备和软件工具,出色地完成任务本身。 QQ、微信、网盘、U盘/数据线,是当前人们传文件时的最多选择。 QQ微信有文件大小限制,时不时还会过期,只能临时传传应急; 各类网盘容量大的限速到涓涓细流,不限速的容量比U盘还小,还有隐私泄露风险。 上面几种方案,都让文件上传到各类互联网公司的服务器上“游览”了一回,才最终到达面前近在咫尺的目标设备上。 这白绕的一大圈实际上 …
Resli – Re-greening the Earth
Re-greening the environment for sustainable livelihoods initiative (RESLI) is a non-governmental and non-profits organization with clear aim of tackling the environmental hazards and wildlife extinction.
Sync All Your Data Across All Your Devices - Resilio
Save and share life’s most important moments—photos, videos, music, PDFs, documents, and more—securely across all your devices. View all supported platforms... For the first time ever, …
Data center, cloud, and edge unified | Resilio
With our all-in-one software platform, IT teams build the fastest, most resilient interconnected data center, cloud, and edge networks, keeping people, files, and storage active worldwide. Stay productive while reducing operational costs.
Resilio Sync资源汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Resilio Sync(原Bittorrent Sync、BTSync)是除网盘、BT分享外一种值得推荐的P2P分享方式。 关于Resilio Sync的使用请自行搜索,网上相关的教程很多。 这里汇总一…
Projects – Resli
Resli is actively involved in reforestation initiatives aimed at restoring degraded ecosystems. By planting trees and restoring natural habitats, we enhance biodiversity and help mitigate climate change, creating a healthier planet for all.
Resilio Sync和Syncthing———两个P2P同步软件的评测-CSDN博客
2021年3月30日 · Resilio Sync前身是Bittorrent Sync,开源免费,后来被收购,成为商业软件。 官网用正常方法登不上。 免费使用,但是选择性同步功能需要升级到pro版,价格是60刀。 这个软件曾经很火,后来17年被和谐,但是最近限制放松,又可以使用,亲测速度还可以。 有ios端和安卓端,手机版的不限制功能,可以免费使用选择性同步功能,所以推荐用手机版。 这个软件比较神奇的是,似乎可以突破内网限制。 我的校园网用BT很吃力,不能做种,也找不到TrackServer, …
Resilio|史上最强同步和资源下载神器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
今天给大家隆重介绍一款非常强大的跨平台同步和备份软件 —— Resilio Sync,它的免费版本在容量、上传和下载方面不受任何限制(见下图),唯一缺点是不能释放本地空间。 但收费版本可以实现,而且采用的是一次性买断方式,99.9美元5个人,平均每人140元左右人民币的价格便可以永久解锁一款集大成的同步软件。 ⭐Resilio Sync又与其他三款软件不同,采用的是 P2P技术,即Person to Person,直接从个人设备传输到个人设备,并不通过第三方的云端服务器,安全性非 …
Resli – Resli
+234 (0) 80 3755 5238; [email protected]; Labam Estate, Airport Road, Abuja
Resli Costabell
Resli Costabell is an award-winning international speaker, trainer and coach. Resli was the author of published scientific research on stress, presented at the Twenty Third International Conference of Psychology. More recently, her coaching was featured for two weeks in The Times and she has been featured in The Independent. Resli has designed ...
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