Dams 101 | Association of State Dam Safety
Because the purpose of a dam is to retain water effectively and safely, the water retention ability of a dam is of prime importance. Water may pass from the reservoir to the downstream side of a dam by any of the following: Passing through the main spillway or outlet works; Passing over an auxiliary spillway; Overtopping the dam
Differences between water-retention dams and tailing dams
• A water-retaining dam is regarded as an asset, typically for common use, while tailings storage facilities are seen as a cost – a means of storing waste rather than providing a service. Year: 2017
Differences between Water-Retention Dams and Tailing Dams
2024年11月14日 · Water-retention dams are designed primarily to hold and store water, often for purposes like flood control, irrigation, and hydroelectric power. Built across rivers or water bodies, these dams help manage water resources for human consumption, agriculture, and industry.
Dam - Wikipedia
Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions.
Stormwater Basins: How Detention and Retention Ponds Work
2015年4月30日 · Wet retention ponds are a stormwater control structure that provides retention and treatment of contaminated stormwater runoff. By capturing and retaining stormwater runoff, wet retention ponds control stormwater quantity and quality. The ponds natural processes then work to remove pollutants.
DIY Dam Design & Construction: Water Retention | Pond & Lake …
This page is about earth dam construction for water retention purposes. Building a small to medium-scale earth dam like the ones described on this page can provide water for irrigation, aquaclture, recreation, ecosystem restoration, and other uses.
Detention dam - Wikipedia
A detention dam is a dam built to catch surface runoff and stream water flow to regulate the water flow in areas below the dam. [1] Detention dams are commonly used to reduce the damage caused by flooding or to manage the flow rate through a channel. [ 2 ]
Build and maintain retention and detention basins
Retention basins are permanent bodies of water built to hold (or retain) floodwater and local runoff during a flood, and then release it through an outlet system when flooding has subsided. They may store a few acre-feet to millions of acre-feet of water.
Retention Structures Fact Sheet (FS-2) – Managed Aquifer Recharge
A retention structure is usually a dam (dike, levee, embankment) that captures surface water (stream) flow or storm runoff to maximize the amount of water that is recharged (at the expense of less surface water flow downstream). Rubber inflatable …
Conventional Impoundment Storage - The current techniques
The main difference is that a water retention dam is constructed to its full height before any discharge to the impoundment (EPA 1994). Raised embankment dams are built higher as the requirement to store more tailings and process/storm water becomes apparent.