Retsevmo - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
2020年12月11日 · Retsevmo is a cancer medicine for use in patients whose cancer is caused by certain changes in a gene called RET, leading to the production of abnormal RET proteins. It can be used for: advanced solid tumours in adults in whom treatments not targeting the RET protein have not worked well enough or who have no other treatment option.
Retsevmo (塞普替尼胶囊 Selpercatinib)用于治疗携带 RET 改变 …
Retsevmo(Selpercatinib,LOXO-292)是一种选择性 RET 激酶抑制剂,用于以下适应症的单药治疗: 晚期 RET 融合阳性的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC):适用于需系统性治疗的患者,这些患者之前已接受过基于铂类的化疗和/或免疫治疗。
Retsevmo as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adults and adolescents 12 years and older with: – advanced RET fusion-positive thyroid cancer who are radioactive iodine-refractory (if radioactive iodine is appropriate) – advanced RET-mutant medullary thyroid cancer (MTC)
Retsevmo is a cancer medicine for use in patients whose cancer is caused by certain changes in a gene called RET, leading to the production of abnormal RET proteins. It can be used for: . • advanced solid tumours in adults in whom treatments not targeting the RET protein have not worked well enough or who have no other treatment option.
塞普替尼胶囊 - 百度百科
用于治疗RET融合阳性的转移性非小细胞肺癌的成年患者、需要系统性治疗的携带RET突变的晚期或转移性甲状腺髓样癌成人和12岁及以上的儿童患者以及需要系统性治疗和放射性碘治疗(如适用)难治的RET融合阳性的晚期或转移性甲状腺癌成人和12岁及以上的儿童患者。 它由礼来制药研发,信达生物负责中国商业化。
Retevmo® (selpercatinib) | RET-positive (RET+) Advanced Cancer …
To continue using a Savings Card in 2025, eligible patients can download now under the Savings & Support Page. Now in tablet form with four dose strengths. The first FDA-approved treatment for people with RET -positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), thyroid cancers, and certain other cancers.
Selpercatinib - Wikipedia
Selpercatinib, sold under the brand name Retevmo among others, is a targeted medication for the treatment of cancers in people whose tumors have an alteration (mutation or fusion) in a specific gene (RET which is short for "rearranged during transfection "). [6][7][9] Before beginning treatment, the identification of a RET gene alteration must b...
Retevmo® (selpercatinib) Oral Therapy | Lung & Thyroid Cancers
Monitor for new or worsening pulmonary symptoms indicative of ILD/pneumonitis. Optimize blood pressure prior to initiating Retevmo. Monitor blood pressure after 1 week, at least monthly, and as clinically indicated.
塞普替尼,塞尔帕替尼 睿妥 Selpercatinib LOXO-292 靶向药 - 癌 …
2020年5月8日,美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA)批准了Retevmo (selpercatinib 40毫克、80毫克胶囊),该药物是首个被批准专门用于治疗转染重排基因 (RET)融合阳性的转移性非小细胞 肺癌 (NSCLC)的成年患者,和需要系统性治疗的携带RET突变的晚期或转移性甲状腺髓样癌成人和12岁及以上的儿童患者,以及需要系统性治疗和放射性碘治疗 (如适用)难治的RET融合阳性的晚期或转移性 甲状腺癌 成人和12岁及以上的儿童患者。 2021年11月9日,中国国家药监局药品审评中 …
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RETSEVMO適用於治療需要接受全身性療法且以放射性碘治療無效(若適合接受放射性碘)之晚期或轉移性RET基因融合陽性甲狀腺癌的成人病人。 本適應症係依據整體反應率及反應持續時間獲得加速核准[請見臨床試驗資料(12.3)]。 此適應症仍須執行確認性試驗以證實其臨床效益。 依據腫瘤檢體或血漿檢體是否發現具RET 基因融合(NSCLC 或甲狀腺癌)或特定RET基因突變(MTC), 選擇適合接受RETSEVMO 治療的病人[請見臨床試驗資料(12)]。 (3.1.4)、藥物動力學特性(11)]。 50 kg …