Revolutionary Internationalist Movement - Wikipedia
The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) was an international communist organization founded in France in March 1984 by 17 various Maoist organizations around the world. [1] It sought to "struggle for the formation of a Communist International of a new type, based on Marxism–Leninism–Maoism ". [ 2 ]
Proletarian internationalism - Wikipedia
Proletarian internationalism, sometimes referred to as international socialism, is the perception of all proletarian revolutions as being part of a single global class struggle rather than separate localized events.
【文献翻译】革命国际主义运动(RIM)的现状与重组毛主义国际组 …
2021年2月1日 · 革命国际主义运动(Revolutionary International Movement, RIM, 下略)由于现实考量业已解散,它给我们留下的唯一遗产是机关报《得到整个世界》(A World to Win)。 然而这已日渐沦为表面文章,无法给革命运动提供方向指引并时常被宗派主义者引作政治喉舌。
In the wake of the Russian Revolution a new, Communist, International was formed on the basis of assimilating the vital lessons of the Bolshevik revolution and in rupturing with the reformism and social democracy that had poisoned and eventually characterised the great majority of socialist parties making up the Second International.
Internationalism (politics) - Wikipedia
The First, Second, Third, and Fourth Internationals were socialist political groupings which sought to advance worker's revolution across the globe and achieve international socialism (see world revolution). Socialist internationalism is anti-imperialist, and therefore supports the liberation of peoples from all forms of colonialism and foreign ...
The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (1984–mid-2000s): …
Originally adopted by the delegates and observers at the Second International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations which formed the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement in 1984, this 1998 version of the RIM Declaration made minor changes in wording from the original, in particular replacing “Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung ...
Hegemonic internationalism is the belief that the world is being integrated based on unequal terms with the dominance of one nation or nation-‐state over others. Eg. Britain’s colonies for 200 years. English is now the language of power, and this is due to international communication.
Magonismo and the roots of revolutionary internationalism
By 1911, the magonistas were openly advocating revolutionary anticapitalism and internationalism. 2 They committed themselves to the revolutionary project, infusing their radical politics into the DNA of the workers’ movement on both sides of the border, and created the foundation for generations of radicals to come.
The twenty-first century revolutions and internationalism: a …
2019年8月22日 · They key factor for the rise of internationalism in the nineteenth century was the defeat of the French Revolution and the revolutionary waves it triggered. Especially after the Bourbon Restoration of 1815, there was a shared feeling of defeat by liberals and radicals who believed in the ideals of liberté, égalité, fraternité .
Internationalism and the Question of Revolutionary Leadership
2018年12月19日 · Revolutionary Internationalism plays a strategic role in creating socialist consciousness, organising international alliances with other revolutionary forces, and defending societies.