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Revontulet is the counterterrorism company. We are dedicated keeping you, your company and assets safe from the threat of violent extremism and terrorism.
关于极光的古老传说 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
长久以来,人们都各自发展出自己的极光传说,比如在 芬兰语 中,北极光则被称为“revontulet”,直译过来就是狐狸之火。
Revontulet – Wikipedia
Revontulet ovat ilmakehän valoilmiö, joka koostuu värikkäistä, tanssivista ja vaihtelevista kuvioista pohjoisella ja eteläisellä yötaivaalla. Revontulet ovat useimmin vihreitä, mutta joskus punaisia, …
Firefox (mythology) - Wikipedia
Firefox has given its name for northern lights which are called "fox fires" (revontulet) [4] in Finnish language. In Lapland it has been told that the Firefox causes the northern lights with its tail …
北极光的传说,美到让人窒息_北极狐 - 搜狐
2018年10月9日 · 【北极光】在芬兰语中,称为“revontulet”,直译过来就是狐狸之火。 古时的芬兰人相信,北极光是狐狸奔驰在冻土带上摩擦产生的火花映射在天际。 9月 当寒夜在原野和山丘 …
Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, in Mythology and Folklore
In Finnish, the name for the aurora borealis is "Revontulet", which literally translated means "Fox Fires." The name comes from an ancient Finnish myth, a beast fable, in which the lights were …
revontulet - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月2日 · revontulet pl. aurora (atmospheric phenomenon around magnetic poles of the Earth, created by charged particles from the sun striking the upper atmosphere) northern …
About Us - Revontulet
Revontulet is a mission-driven company building a safer world for all. We map and analyze complex networked behavior online and offline, providing insights, analysis, and data to assist …
The Road Ahead - Revontulet Intelligence
2024年6月11日 · Revontulet will continue to take a human-centered approach to building public safety in collaboration with our network of clients and partners, and support new clients, …
Revontulet ja avaruussää - Ilmatieteen laitos
Todennäköisyydet koskevat Suomen etelä- ja keskiosia. Lapissa revontulet ovat yleisiä rauhallisenkin avaruussään aikana. Katso myös pilvisyystilanne ja paikallissääennuste.