Revox B225 CD player - Hi-Fi News
2021年11月23日 · A reasonably large machine at 450x109x332mm (whd), the B225 is styled to match the range of Revox components which started with the B251 amplifier and B261 tuner. Beautifully made and finished both internally and externally, the machine has a central tray, bearing a Philips mechanism and optical pick-up, which slides out for loading.
将REVOX B225CD机完全拆解以及保养 - hifidiy
2014年10月25日 · 在近收了一台REVOX的B225CD机,机器成色不错,光头状态良好,而且解码芯片还是陶封1540D,声音比普通1540P好不少。 B225作为第一代的CD机,生产年份为八十年代早中期,距离现在已经有三十多年,很多电容已经老化,就算CD机能正常播放,也已经不是在最佳状态下工作,更不用说能听到原来B225的声音了。 为了让CD机能工作在良好状态,就来个全面身体检查和保养吧。 REVOX B225虽然是最早期产品,但其插卡式模块设计、整个转盘进出仓 …
瑞华士REVOX的B225CD唱机电路图及换电容 - 『铭机厂机古董音 …
2008年5月1日 · 更换电容后,唱机恢复正常,理论上,音频通路上的电容应该也已经衰减了,特别是输出耦合电容是两个100uF的电解电容,但目前声音正常,就没有更换,等下一次有问题在一次性的全部更换了吧.
Revox B 225 | hifi-wiki.com
2018年12月15日 · Short description First CD player from Revox. Data General Manufacturer: Revox Model: B 225 Years of manufacture: 1984 - 1986 Made in: Germany; Color: silver, see picture Remote control: Yes Power consumption: max. 40 W Dimensions: 450 x 109 x 332 mm Weight: 8,5 kg Original price approx.: 2.100,- DM Connections Line Out (2x Cinch) Line Out ...
Revox B225 Compact Disc Player Manual | HiFi Engine
Manual Library / Revox. If you have any problems opening files please read the download FAQ. All files are provided under strict licence and reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited. If you have additional documentation please consider donating a copy to our free archive.
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Revox Studer B225 CD player - LAMPIZATOR
In this article I will try to describe my first encounter with the legendary Revox B225 player. The roots of this machine are in the first ever Philips CD player - first generation of CDM mechanism called later " the ZERO", many people including myself consider it to be one of the finest mechanisms ever.
Revox B225 Compact Disc Player (Sept. 1984)
On the technical side, the B225 follows the Philips system of four-time oversampling (at 176.4 kHz-see April, 1984 Audio), with both digital and analog filters, using digital filters specially designed for Revox by Dr. Roger Lagadec.
重新探讨-被埋沒的REVOX B225 (转贴) - 『DIY ... - Tubebbs
2008年5月1日 · 至于 STUDER A727 与 REVOX B225 谁比较好听? 1541 与 1540D 确实存在有先天上的差异! 1540D 的厚度,几乎无人能匹敌! 高对比度也是 1541 望其项背! 但是走向相当类似,A 727 要跟B 225 相抗衡不走平衡不行~但也在伯仲之间! 带宽延伸低频确实比 1541 稍弱,但是高音几无差距! 真的听了一两个月之后 A727 确实 对比度上输 B225 一大段差距! 选取快速? 可读刻录片? 最后一首可读? 80 分钟片没问题? 各项皆通过,恭喜你! 遇到好机啦! 胆 …
Revox B225 on thevintageknob.org
In true early 1980s fashion, with its drawn out blocks and shaped buttons - naive but of the everlast kind ! Quick and easy to service (Revox ain't Studer for nothing) with a pair of Philips TDA-1540 D/A chips.
Revox B225 CD player Page 2 - Hi-Fi News
Apart from an exceptional weekend when the static from newish carpets and unprecedentedly dry weather caused a few problems with spurious triggering of play mode with the loading drawer still open, the Revox B225 proved both easy to program and use, and gave no trouble at all.
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