Revox B795 Direct-Drive Turntable Manual | Vinyl Engine
The Revox B795 turntable consists of a Quartz-locked direct-drive motor unit in a heavy plinth, with servo-controlled, linear tracking tonearm system. Touch type controls are provided for Stop/Start and Speed selection.
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Revox B795 Turntable Reviews - The Vinyl Engine
Turntable Reviews: 4675 To add a review or rate a turntable, browse for the model and use the review form.
Revox B 795 - Opinions, Please. - Vinyl Engine
2010年9月25日 · The ReVox has certain things that make it different: It was made by Studer, having all the experince and tooling required for making the best analogue tape recorders the world has seen. Perversely though, Studer never made a broadcast turntable The ReVox B795 uses no specialised ICs. It is entirely driven by ordinary CMOS or TTL or industry standard linear ICs, that you can buy at any good ...
Revox B795 - Worth a Referb - Vinyl Engine
2012年10月8日 · Hi Full Range, Yes, the B795 is an amazing machine, well worth the effort to keep it in working condition. Its major flaws are the difficulty to adjust the Linatrack arm, and the nextel finish which tends to turn to goo with age. You can solve the first issue, and do with the latter. Re. your specific problem, rather than changing all the caps as a first attempt I would concentrate on the ...
Revox B795 Cartridge replacement - Vinyl Engine
2017年3月7日 · There it says the B795 came original with a Revox P20 MDR, Shure Tracer TXE-SR or Shure V15 V cartridge. However, there were other cartridges applicable, some of them are also mentioned in the service manual.
My hints & tips on the Revox B790/5 turntables - Vinyl Engine
2005年3月25日 · The B795 originally came with a 'ReVox P20' cart, which was in fact an AKG P6. The effective mass of the B795 is very low indeed - because it has practically no arm at all - 65mm, mostly just cartridge mounting. The recommended static compliance is 30 to 40 um/mN - that is high my understanding.
Revox B791 Direct-Drive Turntable Manual | Vinyl Engine
The Revox B791 was essentially a B795 with pitch control and pre-fitted Shure cartridge. The unit's most striking feature is the servo controlled, parallel tracking tonearm.
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Revox B795 - Vinyl Engine
2007年11月13日 · Hi I have just purchased a Revox B795 and am looking for the installation kit and alignment protractor. Would anyone have any ideas as to where these may be available from many thanks Brian
revox b795 cartridge mm or mc? - Vinyl Engine
2010年6月24日 · The electronics shop I went to only carries Ortofon. I had hoped to upgrade to the MC SASLA or SAMBA. However I do not have a Revox mounting kit which limits my choices to a couple of Ortofon P-mounts. The X1-MCP seems to fit the bill, however it has a compliance rating of only 13uM. The original Revox cartridge was 40 uM. THe OMP 25uM.
Revox B795 spinning at 100 RPM - Vinyl Engine
2015年11月25日 · Hi all, Few days ago I substitued all Frako capacitors on my B795 (found the famous X1 cap exploded ). All went ok until today, when I had to answer a phone call (raised the cartridge with the usual up/down button), and left the turntable spinning for maybe 15/20 minutes.... When I returned, found it spinning like mad (maybe 100 rpm, maybe more). Now, once turned on the platter starts to spin ...