Rewer | Smogon Forums
2009年3月15日 · Rewer. From Brazil. Joined Mar 15, 2009. Messages 2,103 Reaction score 338 Points 0 Find. Find content ...
Season 26 (Week 1 [SM OU #1]) Won by Rewer | Smogon Forums
2018年9月14日 · Rewer vs. The Kyle Sinkyr vs. Espeonage. Heart Doom vs. BlueIvy Makesuit vs. vso Ojama vs. Nephtyrix le LLiolae vs. Welli0u Splashbrutha vs. Newalfonquest banks vs. z0mOG Choupa Chouiken vs. Bro Kappa Krokorona vs. PQD RyLon vs. MegaSablo ggggd vs. BlazeBlitz Sir Pitulio vs. maroon Heart Break vs. John1240 Yuushinakin vs. xImRaptor omnistorm vs ...
Tournaments - SPL XV BW Predictions | Page 3 | Smogon Forums
2024年1月16日 · here is the week5 match,I almost all predicted failure in last week's game [RAI] Jisoo vs Dark Eeveon [CLA] ...
Tournaments SPL XV BW Predictions - Smogon University
2024年1月16日 · approved by mod The SPL XV BW OU Prediction is coming! Copy and paste the matchups below and bold your predicted winners. Prediction discussion is still welcome in the SPL XV Commencement Thread or SPL XV BW Disscussion while you can find Replays here Week1: [RUI] Fakes vs elodin [SCO] [CLA]...
Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 4 | Smogon Forums
2025年2月2日 · BW OU: Rewer vs Finchinator - both have been fairly strong in the tier as of recent, and Rewer had a really great showing vs GTG last week - an excellent player and one of the standouts in the pool IMO. Finch proves time and time again he is not a joke when it comes to BW, and this season I think his prep has been better than ever.
UUWC 2024 Pools (Tiebreak @ Post 165) | Smogon Forums
2024年12月10日 · Rewer vs Lycans Rewer vs NoName Rewer vs Juseth Sepulveda Lycans vs NoName Lycans vs Juseth Sepulveda NoName vs Juseth Sepulveda SM UU #3: Devin vs Accel Devin vs Liam Devin vs pdt Accel vs Liam Accel vs pdt Liam vs pdt ORAS UU #1: Ren-chon vs Kaif Ren-chon vs Hydronics Ren-chon vs Real FV13 Kaif vs Hydronics Kaif vs Real FV13 Hydronics vs Real ...
Smogon Premier League XVI - Replays | Smogon Forums
2025年1月12日 · Smogon Premier League XVI - Replays Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Semifinals | Finals SPL XVI is now underway, and we are aware not everyone can watch every game live. This is what this thread is for: it archives which games have been played...
Tournament NUCL II - Semifinals (Tiebreaker #39) - Smogon …
2025年2月10日 · BW: Finchinator vs Rewer DPP: Hubriz vs Drud ADV: Xrn vs MZ GSC: BigFatMantis vs plznostep RBY: HANTSUKI vs Teh not bolding predictions for this series, you can see the score at the top, bad faith flamigos will get what’s coming
Tournaments - SPL XV BW Predictions | Page 2 | Smogon Forums
2024年1月16日 · yep week3 is coming,watashi rewer soulwind took stall first,let us see what they gonna cook in week3 [RUI] Fakes vs sensei axew [TIG]
Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 2 | Smogon Forums
2025年1月19日 · Rewer vs watashi SoulWind vs Monai Monai, youre a good friend. Finchinator vs dice Certainly the match of the week for BW. Two of the strongest players facing this early is a treat. I personally cant wait to see the tech they bring. Regardless of who wins, this will be a show.